Embrace the Camera Thursday 8.26.10

Since last week, A turned 4 months! We’ve seen a ton more drooling, she moved her bedtime up from 11:30pm to 8:30pm, and we went to baby’s first wedding! My sister got married this weekend. Congrats to the newlyweds! A partied like a rock star. She took a power nap and danced the night away! Other things we did: got her first denim jacket & skinny jeans, added to our collection of rubber duckies, and the collection of toys that I hope will occupy her while I do laundry and cleans bottles!

This week’s photos are from last weekend when we went to the beach with Daddy, Grandma, Auntie H & Cousin S

A seems to have her first cold this week too. Runny nose, sneezing and cough. We’re headed to the Dr. today so we’ll see what we can do about it! She’s supposed to have her vaccinations today, but I think we’ll be postponing that. I feel so bad for my little monkey!

Embrace the camera Thursday 8.19.10

Mommy & A in Boston 7.2010

Inspired by The Anderson Crew”‘s embrace the camera Thursdays…here we are in Boston back in July.

I think this project is such a great idea.  I hope baby A has lots of great photos of her family so she can see just how happy she made us…

I love my little munchkin!