Embrace The Camera Thursday 8.30.12

It has been a while…I know…It’s the end of summer and we’re working on enjoying the days before school starts…not sitting by the computer!  Sorry & not sorry….

Here I am with Miss A a few weeks back at my dad’s house…we enjoyed the beautiful weather and took a break for some cuddle time!

Thank you Mister LK for catching this sweet moment between me and our little girl!


Girls Havin’ Fun…

To say that I am proud of the progress Miss A, Mister LK & I have made in behavior modifications is a gross understatement.  We’ve been working hard on our communication, reading her signals and responding to her needs without indulging her unwanted behavior.  Mister LK and I aren’t perfect parents, but what we are is determined to be the best parents we can be.  Consistency and follow through have been key…our positive attitudes are the  most important factor & keeping ourselves in check is physically exhausting…but she’s worth it!

Miss A got to spend a lovely afternoon with her cousins, who she has seriously missed over the summer.  There was lots of laughing, dancing, swimming & love.  It was beautiful.  Until it wasn’t …. Then Miss A came down with a little fever…so we had to leave…thankfully the fever was gone in the morning.

Here are some highlights of their cousin day…


Every Girl Deserves To Be Pampered…

It was 3 months since I’d gotten my hair done…and considering my genetic predisposition for grey hair, this was simply unacceptable.  So we loaded up the car with Miss A & Mr T & headed to Joseph & Co to do something about the situation on top of my head!

The whole way there Miss A was quizzing me on what we were going to do, and who was going to do it, and where this place was, and she was also insisting that not just Mommy gets her hair done, but Miss A should get her hair cut too.  If you’ve seen my photos you know that she’s rockin’ the pixie cut…without the cut!  There was a snowball’s chance in hell I was cutting her hair…but I promised we would see what we could do with her!

I don’t know why I don’t spend more time with Joseph & Co….they love my dog, they love my baby and they watch them, feed them, entertain them…all while taking care of me!  It’s the best!  This time, Miss A was very vocal about what she wanted…and they obliged!

“Mommy…I want my hair WASHED”

“Mommy…I want my nails done”

“Mommy…I want my hair DONE”

Miss A’s reward for being the best behaved girl for almost 2 weeks straight….her day of pampering.  In my book…it was a very fair trade!!!


Welcome To The World Baby J…

A BIG Hello & Welcome to the world Baby J.  We love you very much!  Your cousin A is already talking non-stop about you!!!  Can’t wait to see you more later!!!

This family loves our girls!  Congrats to Auntie H & Uncle I on their newest little girl!


Addicted to V…

Vampires that is…

Now I’m all caught up…5 seasons in 4 days.  Miss A is probably very happy that I’m done with this since I might have been ignoring her a little too much!  Good thing this week was a fairly good one and she let me have much more down time than usual with an exceptionally low number of tantrums!

Sookie is nice but we have our own little fairy princess…and I love her!

I hope to get more blogging done this week since I won’t tie up all of my free time with Vamps… Thanks AG for getting me hooked…


My Boy…

Turned 9 today…and for that, I will excuse the fact that he peed in my mudroom…

Happy Birthday T.  I love you more than words can say…you are my baby boy & will always be!

I know life is different with Miss A around, but I hope all the food she gives you makes up for a little bit of the hell she puts you through!  She loves you too 🙂


Embrace the Camera Thursday 8.2.12

This past weekend we got an extra special treat!  Auntie S2 came to visit with Uncle B & Cousin CJ & Puppy Boo.  Let me just discuss this little angel for a moment.  She was one of the sweetest, happiest, most content, smiley little girls I have ever seen.  I had no doubts that she’d grow up and be a perfect little angel…but really…did I expect that 10 seconds after she walked into our house she’d be giving me kisses on the lips and giggling with me????  She’s 13 months old…Miss A was a disaster by then!

Needless to say…I love this girl like crazy!

It was so great to see them….yes all of them!!!  But CJ was my favorite…sorry Auntie S2…I hope you still love me!