Asking for what you want, Getting what you deserve…

It has been hard to admit how overwhelmed I am with this mother to a toddler thing.  I was lucky never to have had the “baby blues” when A was born…so maybe that is part of why it is so surprising to me that I feel alone in this, because it is so rarely spoken about.  Post pardum depression or anxiety is something that is really getting much more awareness now.  I really believe that we will be hearing more and more about toddler mom depression soon!

I don’t know that I’m “depressed” but I’m definitely not myself!

Since I’ve been in this new place, figuring out what to do and how to do it, I’ve been hugely supported by some very important people in my life…and a little disappointed at times by a few.  I guess that’s always the way it goes though.  I’ll never forget that support and the people who were able to see me struggling and were there to step in to put a smile on my face.  People who were there to tell me to snap out of it and talk me down from my ledge.  Those friends and family who offered advice on how to cope and just let me vent my frustrations.  I am very very imperfect, but I always try my hardest to be there for the one’s I love.  I expect the same in return.  Hopefully…when I ask for what I want, I’ll get what I deserve…but if I don’t…then I’m thankful for what I have.

My family.  My friends.  My girl.

I love you A.  Even when I’m sad, mad, frustrated, overwhelmed, or just plain exhausted!  You are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.  You are my entire world.  I will do anything and everything for you.  Always.


Embace the Camera Thursday 1.26.12

This week has FLOWN by!  I have been so busy, and stuck in the house.  Quite the conundrum!  We are getting closer to being done with the bathroom and I can’t wait to share photos of the before & after!  It is quite a change!!!!

Tomorrow I am meeting Kelly Clarkson.  Yup.  I have so much to talk to this girl about, mainly to thank her for getting me a night off from A with Auntie E in Boston (thanks Auntie E), and then to thank her (sarcasm) for taking my SIL away for like…years at a time…and finally to discuss her wardrobe.  She can get it right, but when it’s a miss….its a BIG MESS MISS!

Last Thursday was another big show…Disney on Ice!  We got last minute tickets and sat right next to the ice!  It’s no meet and greet with Mickey…but it was pretty close!  A and cousin S thought it was awesome!  They didn’t take their eyes off the ice for a second!

They look so serious right?! A is looking for Goofy, and S is waiting for a princess to pop up!

21 Months….Where Did the Time GO????

My baby girl is 21 months old today.  It just doesn’t make any sense that she’s so big!  I haven’t really done a “what is A up to” post in a while…so I thought, before she’s 2 I should get down on the blog what she’s like as a nutty under 2 toddler!

the good, the bad & the crazy!

We’ll start with The Crazy…

  • She wakes up every day asking for “dinner”…pronounced “DEEner”
  • Some other things she has asked for when waking up in the morning are: “I want crying”, “I want yogurt”, “I want agua”, “Mommy come in door”, “Tito come in door”, “I want Daddy”…those are pretty standard ones that follow the “deener” request.
  • She eats 3-4 Yo Baby yogurts for breakfast.
  • She loves Elmo, Yo Gabba Gabba, Minnie, Aladdin, Lion King & Toy Story
  • She literally eats anything…and a lot of it.  The kid loves food.
  • She went pee pee on the potty!
  • She loves to watch football…even when Daddy isn’t around.
  • She has the CRAZY biggest vocabulary!  She definitely knows more words than Auntie H 😉
  • She loves to dance.  Anytime, Anywhere…except dance class!

Dancing Queen!

And the BAD…

  • She bites.  Her cousin & her friend.  It’s bad and anyone with experience other than, don’t let her near other children, I’m open to suggestions!  It only happens when she’s tired, unfortunately, she needs 12-13 hours of sleep at night and a 3 hour nap during the day to not be tired.
  • Her yogurt habit is getting expensive.
  • She drags me around like a slave all day…telling me “Mommy sit on floor”, “Mommy cook”, “Mommy color”, “Mommy clean”, “Mommy I want yogurt”…etc, etc.
  • She does like to clean…or “cleap up”, but not before she makes a giant mess where ever she goes.
  • She pretended to love dance class for a while, and now refuses to participate at all!  Dance class means, Mommy dances and A hangs on my neck!
  • She’s jealous of T and wants everything he has, or to be everywhere he is.  Poor dog can’t do anything anymore without being told “NO T”!
  • She is a big drama queen.  She’ll go from laughing & smiling to full on tears and screaming in a heartbeat!

Emmy winner for dramatic performance goes to.....Miss A!

Most importantly, the Good…

  • She gives the best hugs & kisses.
  • Her laugh is infectious.
  • She sleeps until 8:30am! (knock on wood)
  • She loves to clean the floor!
  • She loves shoes.  Boots, sneakers, sandals, party shoes…it makes up for her intense love of football!
  • She loves animals.
  • She loves her Gamma…and her Cousin S & A2.
  • She walks around all day asking “Where Aunt E GO?
  • She says “I love you” all the time…but, every night before I put her down for bed, it melts me.

Love that smile!!!

Miss A, Daddy and I love you more than words can say.  You are an amazing, smart, funny, sweet, loveable girl.  I can’t believe you are already 21 months old, 2 is too too close!  Keep making us laugh baby girl!  If you could lay off on the crying a little, I wouldn’t complain!!!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 1.19.12

Today is going to be a great day!  Today is going to be a great day!  Today is going to be a great day!

If I say it enough, hopefully it will come true!

We are mid-construction on our bathroom renovation, and the men will be here in 5 minutes to start work.  That means that they will be waking Miss A up and she does NOT do well with being woken up before she is ready!  Hopefully she will be in a decent mood.  We have to get to dance class this morning, and then we have a big surprise or her…we’re going to see Disney on Ice with Cousin S, Auntie H & Gramma!

Bring it on Thursday!!!

Another Granmda!

Guess what we did last night?

Dance Party with Grandma M!

She buttered A up with some Chinese food – which anyone who knows A, knows that is a sure-fire way to get a hug!  Then they played with some tzatchkes & A instructed her to “sit on floor please please” and finally – we had a dance party!  Everyone had to “get up now and dancing”…so obviously we all obliged!

It was a very nice visit & A hopes to visit more!

…you can pick your jaws up off the floor now…and enjoy your Monday off!

Its POTTY Time!!!!!

My baby is turning into a big girl…

We went to Target today & I stumbled upon this…so I decided that since we’re about 50% done with the bathroom renovation, we should get her a potty to start training soon.

As soon as we got it into the kitchen, Miss A needed to “go pee pee a potty”.  SO Mister LK got her all ready & she sat herself right down!  Then she got up…and pooped…NEXT to the potty!  So close A!  But then…

She sat back down & PEED IN THE POTTY!!!!!

Reward = 2 M&Ms!  I think I know someone who will be needing to “pee” a lot!  Maybe … if she’s like her mommy … a lot, a lot!

Daddy & Mommy are so so proud of you A!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 1.12.12

There’s something so sweet about Daddy-Daughter moments!  If only he didn’t have to work and could stay at home with us all day to keep her happy!

Although, there are 2 things that make me crazy happy about this photo…1. is the 2 loves of my life (obviously), 2. is that A is bringing the 80’s back in a sweater that MY Grandma (and her namesake) made for ME back in 1980! (or 81).

She’s rockin’ the puffy sleeves & the angora wool like only I could at age 1!  My Grandma was super talented…I think I’m going to try to learn to knit…

How We Brought In 2012…

We are a family that enjoys entertaining.  We love having people over here to have a meal, and just relax with our friends.  So of course hosting a New Years Eve dinner was a thought that came across our minds…then we remembered …

that’s the boss now.  She makes the rules.  So we asked her….Princess A…should we have a few people over to our house and order or make dinner and then put you to bed while we stay up with friends?  Or should we call our cousin P’s and see if we can go play with them at their house o’ fun?

I must admit, I wasn’t disappointed AT ALL with her decision!  It was a perfect way to spend NYE.  The kids babysat for A in the playroom & the adults got to sit and chat upstairs.  We played a little board game called “headbandz” and some other game that was funny too…Then we got A in PJs.

A is in love with her cousins.

R & B are some really great girls, but for my little nutjob….there’s a clear favorite….

check out the incognito hand holding going on here!

Cousin I likes to pretend that he is grossed out by all girls – including A…but he’s so lying & we know it 🙂

Thanks to the P family for having us over & making yummy bite sized dinner for us.  You guys are awesome!

3 Little Baby Girls…All In A Row…

It hasn’t been many times that we’ve been able to wrangle our 3 girls and get them to sit for a picture…

But when we do…it is always perfection.  These 3 perfect girls are the reason that I live and breathe.  They might make us crazy but hearing them squeal and giggle and laugh so loudly we think someone is crying…makes it all worth it!