Embrace the Camera Thursday 5.31.12

This Thursday I’m embracing the camera with my lovely sister Auntie S!  We had some really good laughs over last weekend when she came down to visit during our vacation!

We are all waiting to see if she will break the girl streak & have the family’s first boy!  We’ll see soon enough 🙂

Home Is Where My Heart Is…

Home is definitely where my heart is, but vacation is where my sanity is 🙂  Our Islamorada trip was awesome.  Although vacationing WITH the 2 year old certainly makes it less relaxing than the old days, her cute bathing suited tushy and big hugs help remind us why we take her with us!  Although Grandma offered to watch her during the next vacation and we WILL be taking her up on that!

Day 1:  We hung by the pool!  (Be prepared to see most of our activities revolve around hanging by the pool!)



HB had the best handstand….hands down….

Day 2:

We did a little impromtu maternity shoot with Auntie S.  As mentioned, I’m without my camera BFF, but we made it work with what we had!  I think she’s beautiful.  We also went out to dinner at Islamorada Fish Company.  We always like the atmosphere…and my dinner was great!

More to come!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 5.17.12

Mister LK and I were married 3 years ago.  It feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time.  I married my best friend that day & he’s been making my dreams come true every day since.  I am so thankful for my husband who does everything he can to make me a happy wife.  He told me last night that he does this selfishly…so that I will be happy and in turn be nice to him!  Not only did I marry a handsome, funny, caring man…but he is SMART too!

Happy Anniversary Mister LK…I am still shamelessly in love with you!

Yesterday we celebrated another happy occasion!  My step sister, Auntie Sh & her fiance J got married!  It’s a great time for a wedding!  Check out the happy couple, and adorable flower girls!

** Please excuse the photo quality…we are having a little repair done to my lens & so my photos will be taken with my ever versatile IPhone for a little while (sigh) **

Birthday Wishes For the Other May Baby…

At our age, some people start to feel less than excited about their birthdays.  I’m not one of them…and Aunt D is certainly not either!

I take the 1st half of May, and she gets the second half….

So from the LK house to Aunt D…we are wishing you a very happy birthday.  May all of your wishes come true.  We can’t wait to celebrate many more years of birthdays with you!

Dear Aunt D,

Happy Birthday to you!  Thank you for teaching me that screaming is the perfect expression of excitement, that being sassy is adorable, that sports are for girls too (no help from mommy), that hummus is totally a main dish, and most recently that people, even your Auntie, might find it strange when you tell them to open their towel after their shower!  I also want to thank you for all the books that I love to read and for the playdoh that drives Mommy nuts!  I can’t wait to come to your pool party & sing happy birthday to you…and eat cake…

We love you very much and hope you have a wonderful day with lots of singing, dancing & cupcakes!

Miss Sassy A

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mom’s I know.  Today you should be showered with all the love & praise you should get everyday, but probably don’t since there’s not much time in our regular days for that!

To all my mommy relatives & friends:  you’re amazing.  Each and every one of you has taught me so much and has helped me along this rocky path of mothering a toddler!  Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to you!

To my Grandma in heaven:  You were the most influential mother in my life & I thank you for being the tough, do it all, know it all, handle everything, love me like no one else could Grandma and best friend.  I miss you every single day.

To my Grandma here on earth:  You are so sweet and kind and tolerant.  You have patience like no other woman I know and I love you so much!

To my Mom:  I don’t think I would have made it to A’s 2nd birthday without you!  You’re the first place I go when I have questions, need to vent, need someone to laugh or cry with…you get A to listen like no one else, and seeing her smile when she sees you makes me so happy.  I hope you know how important you are to me and my family, on Mother’s Day & every day.  You have told me that motherhood is a thankless job, and even though you’re right…on most days…today I am thanking you.  For putting up with all the SH*T that my sisters and I put you through for all of these years, for all of the early years that I don’t even remember, and for all the future things you will help me through.  I can’t thank you enough.

Life Lessons For My Little Girl…

Lots of people know that being a Mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world.  We are making sure our kid’s needs are met, that they are safe, that they are growing into responsible, respectful, productive members of society…this job takes 24/7 work.  In these early years…it is easy to get caught up in the day to day of keeping them safe and to lose track and lose focus on the important lessons you want to teach them.  I found a great blog post at busykidshappymom.org that I want to share with you.  There are 37 lessons that she wrote for her sons and they are amazing.  I can only hope to instill these lessons and many more in my daughter.

I have many things I’d like to teach Miss A and I hope that when she reads this in the future she knows more than anything that you are the best thing that has happened to  me and I am very proud of you.

Embrace the Camera Thursday 5.10.12

Big Thursday here at the LKSquared house.  Today Miss A is getting her ears pierced.  It’s been a long time coming, since she asked for earrings about 6 months ago and I was too chicken to take her, but today her Grandma is coming over & we’re gonna do it…

I’m scared, but I don’t think A is!

No earrings…..

I hope this goes well…otherwise I’m shipping her to Grandma’s for the week!


She did AH-MAZING!!!! She was brave and cried for .2 seconds…she asked for some medicine to make it feel better, and now she’s telling me to look at her pretty earrings!  I love you Miss A….your inspiring & teach me something new about you everyday.  Happy earring day!

Why My Mister Is The Best…

I don’t normally spew sappy musings about Mister LK.  It is not my style.  But today, I think it is necessary for me to publicly and sappily gush about how amazing my husband is.  He’s a really terrific father.  He is an even better husband.  Not every girl is lucky enough to find a guy who is as considerate of them as mine 🙂  I hope he knows how much I love and appreciate him & all that he does for me and our family.

This weekend, he made sure my birthday was perfect!  We started by dropping Miss A off with Grandma for the night.  Thanks again mom for watching her for us!

I then went straight to the hotel to begin my weekend of relaxation!  We stayed at the Sofitel in midtown.

Our room wasn’t ready so T and I had a little date at the bar…the wine was perfect!

Then our room was ready and I took a LONG shower.  It was so lovely to just stay in the shower until I felt like getting out!  I wasn’t rushed, I wasn’t listening for a talking toddler in her crib, and I wasn’t dreading walking into the bedroom to see what that toddler had torn apart while I showered for 5 minutes!  (She can do some serious damage in 5 minutes!)

Getting dressed at my own pace and not having to pack a diaper bag was awesome!  Then we headed out to what I thought was going to be a nice date night with the Mister…and as we were crossing the street, our friend DF asked to hold the Mister’s hand!  So fun, a surprise double date!  Even better a quadruple date!  I’m lucky & have a bunch of great friends and family who were able to make it out to celebrate my birthday!  We went to Nai Tapas in the East Village & I was very impressed.  The food was delicious and their mango sangria was really good!  We then headed out to a speakeasy bar which was really cool!  I was too chicken to order any of their mixed drinks as I’m usually a coconut rum & pineapple girl and I wasn’t sure I could handle a whole drink on their menu, so I went with some Reisling & just tasted everyone else’s!

He didn’t stop planning there either!  Saturday we went to the Bronx zoo & met up with Grandma & Miss A.  We took Uncle C and our friend HB & her adorable nephew too!  A had a great time & so did I!  We saw some pretty cool things & compared to the Prospect Park zoo & the Central Park zoo…these animals were living it up!  They were clean & groomed & happy!  The animals at the other zoo’s in the area look a little tired & disheveled!

Llamas & Alpacas are my favorite…and this one was really pretty!

The animal that ruled over this zoo is undeniably the peacock.  They were everywhere.  Roaming freely, in every animal’s territory.  All the males were showing off!  They were incredible!

Miss A just had 1 request.  She wanted to see the Lion King!  So….

This way to the Lion King Daddy!

Off we went in search of the Lion King!  At some point on the trip A got distracted and wanted french fries!  So we got her some and finally found him…

I think A was a little disappointed, as I’m pretty sure she was expecting a cartoon movie when we arrived…but the Lions were pretty cool anyway!

We strolled over to the giraffes before Grandma & I went on our way!

Bye bye Daddy & A…Grandma & Mommy are off to the spa!

Mister LK sent me and my mother to the Peninsula Hotel for massages, manicures & pedicures.  We had a great relaxing afternoon & we were so very much appreciative of Mister LK for all his thoughtfulness.  One of the best parts of this spa was the relaxation room…

When we were done in the relaxation room, we didn’t really want to go, but it was time to go & we left nice and relaxed!

Mister LK, I love you…you’re thoughtfulness and generosity are just 2 things I love about you…I can’t thank you enough for such a wonderful birthday weekend!

(I wrote this post on Monday…and then forgot to hit publish…this week’s been crazy & I didn’t even notice…better late than never honey!)


Let The Celebration Begin…

Oh birthday…how I love thee 😉

A weekend birthday is great – especially when you have a husband & mother as awesome as mine!  We will be spending my birthday in NYC while A hangs out with Grandma!  It’ll be like old times since we’ll be without human kid, but with dog kid!

As usual, the birthday celebration started a day early when Grandma, Auntie H, Cousin S & A2 came to spend some time with us!  We had the usual birthday dinner at Nagahama & cake back at our house!

Thank you to the best family for making my birthday feel special…even at this age 🙂

And to my little Miss Sassy Pants…I can’t wait to spend the day with you!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 5.3.12

I love our family!  We’re having a blast with our newly 2 year old Miss Sassy pants…

Some things she’s said in the last few days…

After telling her I was going to my room for a minute…”Don’t even think about it Mommy”

When I told her I have to steam my floors…”I want broom floors.  No you clean Mommy, we clean TOGETHER”

When she saw some ants on her floor “Mommy….Spiders on my floor…..clean up spiders Mommy”

When Auntie E told her to “get a grip”….”No YOU get a grip”

She’s a funny girl!