Moved out…but not in

The move went well.  We loaded the POD & now almost all of our stuff is in our driveway at the new house waiting for us to move in next weekend.  For now, that leaves us with an Aerobed & a portable crib, eating on the floor…well…doing everything on the floor really.  Not so good for the changing a moving baby part, but we’re gettin’ creative!  By creative, I mean I can change her “in motion”.  Fun times.

Lots of new stuff going on, including how A is now 7 months but I’m posting about that when we’re staying by Gramma’s later this week!

A has a bad cough and has to be on a nebulizer.  THAT SUCKS.  She hates it and screams and kicks and I think she said “I hate you Mom” but it was unclear as I held the mask over her face.

She DOES say MAMA!!  So yea, she said Dada first, so what…she says Mama now and it melts me!  I know she has no idea what she’s doing and I DON’T CARE!  She’s getting very good at the imitation thing.  She’s pulling up on everything, which means she’s falling down everywhere, although she’s gotten much more sturdy on her feet in the last week.  Since we’ve pretty much moved everything out of the house, she has a lot of room to crawl around which she is loving.  She doesn’t have much to grab onto, but never fear, she grabs the walls and climbs up there!  I’m really excited we have no stairs in the new place, one less thing for me to think about!

A’s not really allowed in the new place yet, there’s lots of dust and debris everywhere, so here’s a photo of where she’s been spending most of her days lately!

I think we’re going to have to hide our keys soon….

In other news, her tooth is huge.  ok, not huge, but very sharp.  Since it started to come like 2 months ago, it sort of stopped progressing, and just stayed “almost there”…but yesterday, my pretty, cranky, hungry girl and I were keeping busy while we listened to the world’s longest window demonstration, and I put my hand to her face and SHE BIT ME!  With a sharp tooth!  Its crazy, and it freaks me out a little.

Off to load the car with more stuff and get moving before miss A gets up for the day.

7 month post next up.

Embrace the Camera Thursday 11.25.10

I’ve been MIA – sorry.  Moving + Construction + unexpected trip out of town + a sick baby = NO POSTS!

I’m taking some time while the other LK sleeps to post a photo from our few days in NC.  Even though the reason we went down was too sad to think about, spending time with great people made our trip a really great one.

Future Mr & Mrs G

In light of today being Thanksgiving, I’d like to say that I am so thankful for all of the amazing people in my life.  My beautiful daughter A, my life has changed so much since you made your debut a short 7 months ago.  Everything I do is for you.  You’re growing up so fast and I’m just trying to keep up with you!  You’re beautiful, smart, funny and so much more.  You are the light in my life and make all my days better!  My loving husband LK, I couldn’t ask for a better other half.  I appreciate everything you do to make me happy, and to make sure that I don’t want for anything.  You are such a help with A and everything else!  Its very rare that you find someone who treats you with as much respect and love as you give me and I am forever thankful for that.  My bad bad goodest boy T, I love you the mostest.  Even when you’re bad and growling and barking and making a mess.  You’re the best dog and best friend I could ask for.  You give the grossest, best kisses and I couldn’t sleep without you snuggled up next to me.  I promised that I wouldn’t let A take your place in bed, and I haven’t!  I love you so so much good boy.  Finally, the biggest cat ever M, you are so sweet and so so big!  You provide me with endless laughs when you play with your brother.  You’re getting so good at letting A pull at your fur, ears and tail and are letting her snuggle with you.  I love you, even if you make Daddy sneeze a lot!

My family is always there to give me a good laugh and an ear to complain to, especially while going through this stress of moving and construction or any other time.  They also are really great for making me feel like a genius!  A family of girls can’t be beat.  Love you mom, H, S, baby S & A.  Thanks for always being there.

and my friends….there are no words.  I’ve been called an Angel, and a sister, and a future in-law…none of those come close to expressing how important  you all are to me.  You are all inspiring, and my life wouldn’t be nearly complete without you.  Each one of you has shown incredible strength to me and I’m so lucky to have such great people around me.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

What a mess!

Here’s part of what’s been keeping us out of the blogging world the past few weeks.

Our new house!

I’m in love – even though its been a LOT of work so far, and it’s going to be A LOT more work…I don’t care…and as crazy as the old lady who wanted to sell/didn’t want to sell/wanted to sell/didn’t want to sell/refused to leave/finally sold, I’m crazier, and I’m never leaving!  A’s totally going to have to tie me up and drag me out!  She said she’s cool with that.

Here’s a before tour:

View 1: Dining Room

More Dining Room


ok, that’s the dining room.  Check out the SWEET paneling!  its gone now, but what’s NOT gone is the awesome ceiling with all those pretty highhats.  These people loved lights.  The only thing they loved more than lights, is light switches.  You can only see about half of the highhats in this photo, but there are 6 light switches.  Some work for the living room, some operate only 1 light, most we’ll never know what they do!  One thing I do know now is how freaking expensive highhat replacements are.  If we had to replace all of them in the house, I’d have to figure out how to breast feed 7 months later because we’d have no more money left for A’s food!

Living Room

Living Room facing foyer

This is the living room, as seen from the foyer.  Holy mirrors batman!  I love them.  They’re so 70’s and I’m going to channel Tim Gunn and make it work.  There’s certainly no hiding from yourself in this house!  Also, the floors were originally covered with a sexy white stained up carpet, but the other LK works very fast, and it was pulled up before I could pull out the camera!

Master Bedroom

Here’s the master bedroom.  All I can say is padded wall.  I don’t know who these people think they are, telling us we’re so crazy we need padded walls, but the biggest surprise came when we pulled down that padding.  There are 2 windows behind there!  Light!!  Some more fun can be seen where the old owners decorated AROUND their furniture.  I am pretty sure that any furniture they had, remained in place for 40 years.  You can see the outline of the dresser & nightstand that was wallpapered around!  Oh yea – and on the top left, there’s the start of the best closet system I could want in my house!  There are closets for EVERYTHING here!

A's room!

Moldy wall around the AC unit….now GONE!  A’s not going to know what to do with so much space!  Her room now is pretty tiny, and she never really gets to play in there.  I think I’m going to take some inspiration from future husband M’s room since A had such a great time playing in there last week!  Now where will I ever find a “dreidel dreidel” singing teddy bear and a yodeling sheep?!

A's Bathroom

Fun huh!!  This….has not changed! A gets to enjoy this pretty funky bathroom in all its 70’s glory for a while.  I think with a few trips to HomeGoods, I can make this more “fun” than “funny”.

Guest Room

Pretty pretty formica right?!  There was similar furniture in A’s room too.  These took an entire weekend to take apart and throw away.  Good thing our city has unlimited bulk pickup!  In this particular room there were 3 separate cabinets specially designed for a TV.  Why???  Oh yea, behind this, on the right side of the photo, they covered up another window!


More Kitchen

Oh my new old kitchen!  The first photo is a real before, the second is my start to priming!  We ordered new countertops and are going all white.  Thats right Auntie E – more of mommy taking the color out of A’s life.  I need a blank canvas before I can think about color!  The floors are staying and so are the appliances except the oven.  We’ll call them oldies but goodies!


Sad day…

Today is a sad, sad day.  We lost an amazing woman today.  She had a heart of gold and loved her family fiercely.  She was warm, generous, beautiful, kind and very spunky.  She loved her boys in a way I can only hope to show A.  She loved my family and we loved her.  She will always be remembered fondly in our house.  She was a part of so many of my memories from age 12 through now….I can’t believe she’s gone.  I feel truly grateful to have been able to spend time with her recently, and am so happy that she got to meet baby A and see her play with M, A’s future husband 😉

Here she is with her handsome grandson this summer.


Big will always be with us...thanks for all the amazing memories




We had an awesome Halloween!  We went to Gramma’s to trick or treat.  Baby A didn’t disappoint in the cute arena.  She was both a pumpkin AND after a quick costume change, she morphed into the cutest Monkey ever!  She wasn’t however the star of our trick or treating party.  Her banana outshone her and got way more “AWWWW look at THAT!”‘s.  Its cool, he always gets compliments on how cute he is sitting in his bag, in his costume!  We also had a special secret guest appearance at our party….see if you can find the secret guest 😉


Gramma & her pumpkin



Pumpkin teething on the leash



Monkey face!



Mommy's 2 favorites!



Beautiful day, Beautiful girls









Best First Halloween!




Pumpkins & Cousins…

We tried and tried and tried for months to get everyone on a free weekend to pumpkin pick early in the season.  Obviously that didn’t happen since we went the day before Halloween!

We made the big trip out to the Hamptons, found a corn maze, a hayride and some pumpkins, even one that was good enough for Cousin R.  She’s really really picky about her pumpkins…they must be round, orange with NO GREEN and have a stem.  It was rough, but we found one!

We got some baby pumpkins and a gourd for A & she really wants to eat them!  She tried to eat a wagon, rode a John Deere, saw a HUGE fuzzy caterpillar and some goats and lots more fun!

Here are some photos of our fun day out east!

LKSquared = A

"Comfy spot to rest"

"Hey Cuz...gimme that ear!"

"Hitchin' a ride with Daddy"


"Not so much higher than where I started from Mommy"

All the kids!

Mommy & A on a bridge

Haystack photo shoot!


We found a decent pumpkin!!!

"Just gonna lay down and take a rest here...K"

Pumpkin photo shoot

Embrace the Camera Thursday 11.4.10

Today is a big day.  We are making the big leap from renters to homeowners!  This house is my dream house.  I have an amazing husband who went willingly with me into a random open house, listened to me gush over how much I loved the sprawling ranch filled with “Saturday Night Fever” and “Miami Vice” and told him, “You have to buy me this house”…and he did!

Its going to need some TLC, and we have about a month to give it just enough to move us in, but I’m so in love with this house and can’t wait to get in right away!  Baby A is going to love it, I just know it!  It might be in a place I never thought I’d end up, but now that we’re there…I couldn’t be happier.  I already busted out my over-sized sunglasses and big sunhats to don when I go public 😉  J/K!  I’ll take on all my hometowners with a smile, a nod, and isn’t my baby the cutest!!!

This baby is the light of our lives and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have her and my other LK.

She's even the cutest as a reflection!

Fishies and Horsies and Aunties…oh my!

So its been a busy few weeks, but not so long ago, Auntie S came to visit…and we had a big weekend with all the girls, the aquarium, Coney Island & more….here are some shots from the weekend!  Auntie S stayed at our house and baby A had the best time with her.  She was a HUGE help and it was nice to get to sleep in while someone else took care of changing and playing with her in the mornings!  Made me miss our nurse ALOT 🙂  Thanks Auntie S for all your help!


Cousin S is a Big Sis!!


A keeping herself occupied



Sleepover with Auntie S!



Enjoying the day at the Aquarium






Loving the horsies!


We hope to get down to Florida soon to visit Auntie S & Uncle P…