Its A’s Party & She’ll cry if she wants to…

I think it is an unwritten rule that on the day of your party, you are a B*&@$!  At least, all the girls that I know are.  exceptmeimperfect.  The LKs were up until 2am on Saturday night preparing the house for this party.  We had help from Auntie S & Uncle P to move all the furniture out and bring the tables in….the house went from Living Room to Catering Hall in a matter of minutes.  It looked great!

Then A woke up.  At 7am.  SCREAMING.  This is not her normal way to wake up, but it was the day of her party…so of COURSE she was cranky pants!

Our house held 85 people.  I can’t even believe it.  I know lots of guests thought it was crowded, mostly because it was, but it was crowded with all the people we love!

An amazingly talented friend came to the party & lucky for the LKs he brought his camera.  We didn’t expect him to work the party, but he seemed to be having fun capturing everything & who can argue…A is a pretty cute subject to photograph!

We kept the decoration simple since there would be so many people … I thought it would be too much with too many decorations!  We had some pretty flowers…

We had pink, black and white polka dot balloons too!  I almost got those beautiful perfectly round balloons – however those things are 36″ in diameter.  Each.  It would have taken 20, 15 minute car rides to get them blown up and to the house.  Have you seen gas prices?!  We went with regular balloons!

There are many benefits to having an April birthday.  (I prefer a May birthday myself but April has become a new favorite!)  One of these benefits was that I was able to walk with A outside from the time she came home from the hospital because the weather was perfect!  The other, was when shopping for her birthday party, I was able to have my pick of all things pink!  All the stores are stocked for Easter!  Since they start Easter decorations in about February…I had lots of time to get all the pink platters and serving pieces!

We catered bagels and fixings for the main part of the brunch, but the desserts were something I wanted to put a more personal touch on.  We had help though!  Not the same help that Auntie H got for S’s party…nowayinhell.  At the time of Cousin S’s party, I was pregnant with A and I promised my then unknown baby that when it came time for their 1st birthday, I would put more effort into their desserts than I did for my beautiful sweet niece.  I didn’t know if that was possible since my mom and I put about 20 hours worth of effort into S’s party stuff!

For A’s party we had lots of help!  Our friends E, R & PD came with a fabulous cake for A to get her hands into!

Fabulous cup-cake by E!

Aunt D brought her famous mini-cupcakes in polka dot liners with pink icing!  She is an ah-mazing cupcake decorator if you need one.  I know mine are simple, but that is what I asked for.  She made some awesome Easter cupcakes recently which I will show on here soon!  Shameless plug for my bestie and her talents!

Perfect mini cupcakes by Aunt D

Finally, I made A’s cake.  It took me about 3 hours total.  I was inspired by 2 photos of cakes I had seen.  1 is this rainbow cake which has been seen all over the place.

The 2nd was this M&M decorated cake.

I was going to make 2 cakes, but once the guest list topped 80, I decided I should prepare in other ways and combined my inspirations into 1 (i think) perfect cake!

The best part of this cake by far was that it was sitting nice and pretty on our dessert table, waiting patiently for us to sing the Happy Birthday to A, and I was taking a moment before gathering everyone to sit with my family…and in walks a cousin….with a plate….with the cake…already cut…WHATHUHHOWWHEN?????OK time to sing…NOW!

Another decoration that I insisted on doing myself is this Birthday banner.  My A needed some handmade-ness in her party & I was determined to give it to her…

The only other decoration I used was A!  I hung her monthly photos along the wall next to the tables in the living room, and I put up a few of her 1 year photos from the photo shoot she did up by the drink table!  Ugh I love this kid!

The weather was our major worry leading up to the party…but as it turned out, all the rain came and went just in time!  We were able to have a great party inside AND outside!  Our guests were certainly the best part of the party!  I didn’t get to spend much time with any one person, but I hope everyone there had fun!

Auntie S getting some good snuggle time with Baby A2

Friends CMSquared 🙂 That boy melts my heart.

Cousins CM & RM! All the way from PA! They seem to be having fun!

Boston friends came too! So happy they enjoyed the outdoors!

They really made a pretty picnic on our lawn!!! Love it 🙂

We got Auntie S2 to come from MD with my bun...

A having some special Uncle C time 🙂

Before the party ended, we had to get an all girls shot. GIRLS RULE BOYS DROOL!

A’s birthday was so special.  A had her screaming moments, she didn’t have great naps that day, but overall she was so good.  As usual when she didn’t see me she was on her best behavior, but I was so proud of her for being such a good girl & sharing all her toys with the other kids, smiling for the camera, and being my sweet girl!  I can’t believe she’s 1.  She is talking up a storm now which keeps me laughing.  She has such an opinion on everything!  I can’t wait for the new adventures we will go on during this next year and the next 100! gw

Thank you everyone who came to her party & shared in her special day.

Special thanks to Aunt D’s date.  Without you G, no one would have eaten, drank, had lemons, or pretty much anything else!!!  So thankful!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 4.28.11

A’s 1st Passover seder was a success.  It was a messy, funny, roasted success.  I agree that deciding to host a seder for 12 people the day after you have a big 1st birthday party for your daughter in your house was not the smartest thing to do….but we pulled it off and had a good time too!

at this point I was about to pass out from exhaustion...but A was still going strong and chowing down on the applesauce...with her hands!

I am so happy we had our family & friends here for the holiday.  next year we’re doing A’s bday way before or after Passover.  I learned my lesson!

Embracing 1 year old…4.21.11

I am not sure how this happened.  It feels like yesterday that I was staring at this tiny little baby thinking “I can’t believe you’re a girl!”  Today my baby A is 1.  She’s a toddler according to Babycenter.  According to me and her Daddy she will always be our baby.

Dear Baby A,

This year has been a lot of things.  You are an amazing little girl.  You make us laugh every day with your sweet, funny, strong will.  You know exactly what you want and will find a way to get it every time.  You have a spirit that shines so brightly, you light up every room you walk into.  We can’t imagine life without your sweet laugh….we could probably do without that shrill screamy thing you do, but if we have to have that noise to have you here….we’ll deal!  You have made this year the best year of our lives.  Watching you grow from a tiny infant into a walking, babbling, curious, independent, crazy little girl is so emotional for me that I am actually going to cry all day today!  I now know why Gramma cried at our birthdays….part of it is happy tears, and part of it is this sadness that my baby is growing up!  We wish you the happiest birthday Baby A.  May all of your wishes come true & may you be the happiest girl in the world today and everyday of your life.  You are so loved by everyone in your life and today the day is yours.  I will enjoy teaching you to celebrate your birthday all month-long (or until May 4th because that is Mommy’s day  hehe)


Mommy, Daddy

Dear Baby A,

Happy Birthday to you!  We’re surprised at how much we love you.  Mommy & Daddy are pretty shocked at how we let you pull our fur, our ears, our tails & we don’t bite you!  Everyone is shocked that I don’t need a muzzle, but how would I give you all those kisses with a muzzle on!!??  We love you so much and hope you have a great birthday.


T & M

PS – Please drop some cake on the floor for me!  kthxloveya

1 year ago today. (Yea...Im not one of those girls who look fantastic in full makeup after giving try labor for 27 hours pushing for 3 and then a c-section and see how unpuffy you are!!!)

Our family @ 1 year

Birthday Girl!

Weekend that won’t quit…

This weekend is A’s 1st Birthday Party!  We’re throwing a Polka Dot extravaganza!  We thought we were the type of LK’s to throw a small, intimate, quiet 1st birthday party for our little lady.  Turns out…WE’RE SOOOOO NOT!  Big isn’t appropriate to describe.  There are about 85 people coming to our house on Sunday.  The thought of this makes me laugh a little.  Who am I kidding.  A LOT!  I didn’t even think I knew 85 people!  Where we are putting all of these people is something we’re working on…and hopefully someone up in the sky is looking out for us and is going to keep the rain away so we can sit comfy outside too.

For now…I have a to-do list.  1st on the list is waiting for Auntie S & Uncle P to come in.  The other LK is out at the airport picking them up now!  Good thing since I’m sleeping in tomorrow and letting Auntie S do ALL THE WORK!!!  Favor bags need to be wrapped, furniture needs to be moved, tables need to be set, decorations need to be hung, cakes need decoration, food needs preparation, and the list goes on and on…but we’re going to do it.  I’m hoping we have fun while we’re at it too!

The truth is….


Now if you think the fun is over at the party.  Think again.  10 people are returning (or never leaving) for Seder on Monday night.  I should probably cook for that huh?!  I’m sleepy!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 4.14.11

A is turning 1 on the 21st.

How crazy is that???  This year flew by so fast…I know everyone says it…but that’s because it is so TRUE.

We’re having her party on Sunday…but her Grampa & B can’t come because they will be in Florida for the holiday already.  To save A’s hurt feelings, we’ll photoshop their faces into some pictures later 😉  We celebrated at their house this Friday before they left.  (Thank you Auntie H for making that happen!!  Yea…)


A starting her tradition of keeping her birthday going for weeks...just like her Mommy!



What we did today!

We took A for her 1 year photos 🙂

Gramma bought her some pretty shoes & some sandals…and tights, and a headband, and…and…and…she has such a good Gramma!  We went to the photo place in the mall & of course when we got out of the car, A had what looked like a black eye.  I did not hit her.  I promise.  But she hit herself…in the eye.  Silly girl.  I just hoped they did retouching 😉

In the end, they offered some good packages, but I took the high res CD so I could do the retouching myself & make any changes I wanted to!

Here’s one I played with today…a little sample of the pretty!


I can't believe my baby is going to be 1. This makes me cry.


Thank you Thank you Thank you Auntie S2’s Daddy!!!!!

I can edit my photos again!  And more…but I’m learning slowly!

Check out how much more awesome my blog will be once my photos look like I want them to!


My subject is beautiful….but the exposure a little off!

Seriously......this girl is my favorite ever.

I am forever grateful for Auntie S2’s Daddy (and her mommy too!).  First because without them….I wouldn’t have Auntie S2.  Which would be unacceptable.  Second, because when I have computer troubles, her Daddy is always there with the solution!  I can’t thank you enough!!!!  They were really good sports about A tearing up the office while we installed stuff too!  Oh….and their pup is really adorable….

Thank you for your generosity 🙂

Why oh why did I buy…

My glider for my nursery?!?!?!

If I knew that this would be available a year later, I DEFINITELY would have waited.  I’m not sure where I would have hung out with A for the past year, but I do know that this is exactly what I wanted.  A glider that IS a recliner!!!


I love it.  Not enough to have another baby so soon & decorate another nursery.  But I am definitely keeping this in my nursery file for the day that I forget what my days are like recently with a walking, screaming, demanding baby!  I miss the whimpering, snuggling, demanding formula every 4 hours, happy afterwards, swinging in a lamb swing, bathing in the bathroom sink days.  My baby is becoming a big girl.  I’m distracting myself with furniture.

Some things don’t change 🙂

Embrace the Camera Thursday 4.7.11

Today A hasn’t stopped screaming at me since she woke up!  Today is one of the days that test a mother’s strength.  I know I’ll get through it, but with a headache, it’s just that much harder.  Is it teeth?  Is it strong will?  I don’t know….

She barely let me take a photo with her today.  She wanted to play with the ant trap instead.  Fabulous huh?!

I’m thankful for her daily naps so I can take a break today!

She’s going to see this photo one day and think…”Wow Mom…you look stressed out” and I’m going to answer her.  “Yes honey…you were being a real pain in my @$$ that day!!!”

Thanks Emily for motivating me to capture ALL the moments …good & bad!

A Bestie, a Boo & a Bun…

My girls weekend was great!  I got to see Auntie S2 & Boo and lounge with them all weekend!  No worries…we got in a little shopping for Miss A too!  I am not sure there are enough days in the summer for her to wear all of her adorable summer clothes!

Look at this face…is it not the cutest (except T obviously!)

He was such a good boy when I was there.  Each morning I got the BEST greeting when I came out of my room!  What a sweet boy.

And then there’s this girl.  I love Auntie S2!  All she wanted was Rainbow cookies from NY & Italian food.  If you twist my arm…….

I’m so happy I got to hang out with her and meet her bump too.  Yea….you can see it below….and see me mauling it….b/c I’m inappropriate like that!  Its entirely possible that she was thinking “whoa…thats enough LK…but I really didn’t ask, and still don’t care…its my “bumpewe” (thats a combo of bump & niece/nephew – I’m creative!)  ok that was weird, and I won’t call it that again.  We decided its a bun in her oven & she doesn’t know the sex so we’ll go with “bun” until its golden & ready for eating 🙂  Yup…I eat babies…ask A.

Me being normal...

Me attacking my unborn "bun"

Wanna know what I was telling the bun????

It went something like this…

Be good to Mommy.  She is the best ever.  Give her lots of love kicks now.  Take very good care of her from the inside.  I love you very much – love Auntie LK.

And so ended my girls weekend.  Now I’m home with A & she’s running around like a nutball.  Going to chase her!