If You Don’t Like Gay Marriage, Don’t Get Gay Married…

If you DO support people in love, getting hitched….no matter who you are, well then you’re one of us!

This wedding was the place to be.  If you weren’t invited, you were definitely not in the cool crowd.  Great friends, great love, great time.

I had fantastic assistants for this party!  It’s how I roll when I want to be in front of the camera sometimes!!!  By how I roll, I mean I have some talented friends (read: free assistants) who have great composition skills!  My main help on this beautiful day was Mr. J.


The experienced and the novices!


Batter up….


Big Reveal ….Coming Up



Boys being boys….sideline score checking

Father / Son moment


When the grass is wet....

When the grass is wet….

Our handsome boys

Our handsome boys




Love Was In the Air…

This past weekend was our marathon wedding weekend.  Miss A has been looking forward to my cousin’s wedding for months.  She told everyone she met all summer that SHE was marrying my cousin.  When I would tell her that she was in fact NOT marrying him, and that he was marrying his beautiful fiance instead, she cried.  And cried.  And wondered “who will marry me????”  Aren’t we a little too young to be worrying about this type of thing Miss A?!?!?!?!?!

Then…because my cousin and his fiance are THE nicest and most thoughtful people in the world, they asked if she would be a flower girl.  Her life was made.  She could wear “wedding clothes” and throw flowers and we read books about being a flower girl and this was her event of the year!  We heard “can we go to the wedding now?” a billion times during the almost 4 hour car ride up to the Catskills!

This was just part of her excitement at seeing the groom….there was also a running leap into his arms which I captured but it was very fuzzy!!!

SM2The bride got her very own running start hug too!


There was lots of fun to be had before the wedding even started!!!

We started off the day hanging out and playing games with our cousins…










SM21Then we moved it over to the field for some games …










SM46We also took a little nature walk down to the creek!












And to a pond…SM25



This couple is really special.  They make everyone around them want to be a better person.  I was honored to be asked to give them a little marriage advice during their ceremony!  There were many speeches before my little moment, and all of their friends and family are incredibly eloquent…they even did a choreographed dance routine…so the pressure was on, since speaking in front of a crowd is not my strongest skill, but they seem to think I’m funny and that I might have some knowledge on marriage 🙂  I hope Mister LK agrees!




I gave them my best advice I could think of, but I really think that these 2 have everything they need for a lifetime of happiness!  Each other.

SM55I hope that one day I am able to give their future children the happiness that they gave to mine!  I’m not sure how I’ll do it, but I’m certainly going to try!!!  They will really never know how much she talks about them and their wedding and how happy she was that she was a flower girl!!!!











SM59My wish is that my kids turn out half as good as this beautiful woman’s….

SM58My Aunt R is the most patient and loving woman.  She is an amazing mother and I hope I can channel some of her calm and get my kids to be as good as hers are as grown ups!

Thanks for including us in this special day!  It was great to be there to see you both so happy.  I hope I can be there for the rest of the celebrations … you know … since we’ve already done the “born” thing together!!!!







The Day After Yesterday….

Dear Gd…can someone PLEASE tell me WHY…we will have a wonderful day…one of those perfect, happy, smiling, cooperative, funny, AMAZING days….

photo (77)I mean, look at that face.  That smile can light up my life and bring me more happiness than I ever knew was possible.  And then …. the next day …. almost without fail …. this beautiful spirit turns into a monster unlike any other….

photo (78)


All day.  Crying.  Screaming.  Whining.  Complaining.  Consequences be damned.  She’s already not allowed to have another sip of liquid tonight.  (whiskey might be allowed) She has tried every single thing today to make me lose my freaking mind.  She may have succeeded.

Miss A….I’ll take 2 nice days in a row.  I promise good things will rain down on you if you give Mommy 2 good days.  Magical fairies will come and drop presents and jewelry and puppies if you go to sleep and wake up in a good mood 2 days in a row!!!!!!!


broken Mommy



Month 5….We Have All Survived!!!

Baby D has made it to 5 months.  I simply can not understand how these months keep flying by and how big this boy has become.  I am also happy to report that I have kept BOTH children alive and relatively unharmed for a whole 5 months!  It was touch and go for a while at week 5, but we have gotten to a point where these kids really love each other and I am no longer a little scared that Miss A will try to suffocate him…(on purpose).

This big boy has gained another lb, putting him at around 16lbs (no exact measurement since there was no official 5 month checkup).  He is in most of his 6 month clothing and thanks to Grandma M, he has been moved up to 6 month onesies and is no longer sqeezing into those 3 month ones he has been wearing!



He is fascinated by his toes.  He loves to hold them, eat them, stare at them…they are his favorite toy.  The night that I posted his 4 month update, he decided to roll over.  He went belly to back.  He has perfected this move over the last month, and is now working on getting back to belly with as much ease.  Proud parent outlook…”Great!  he’s on track and doing what the Doctor expects him to do!”  Real parent outlook “Dammit…he slept wayyyy later in the morning before this rolling over nonsense!”  This month marked his first cold.  We have the head of his crib raised, and he usually wakes up with his head at the bottom….I’m sure that feels fantastic!  He’s loving his excer-saucer like crazy, and we also have been enjoying our Baby Bjorn bouncy chair!  He finds it is the best position to get maximum foot to mouth access!

These days, the kid has 3 general looks.

1.  Feet in mouth:





2.  We will call this one….Typical Man: AKA Huh?!….





3.  My most favorite…Super, ridiculously happy!





I can’t take that face.  For real….I bite him at least 3 times a day.  His drool hasn’t stopped.  He loves sucking his thumb.  He still is hanging on strong to the bassinet of his stroller since he is Mr. Belly Sleeper.  He’s usually found strapped to me in my baby wrap and it is there he does his best work as my partner in crime.  He can charm the pants off of everyone he meets, but he’s a respectable boy so he lets them keep their pants on!  His laugh is infectious and he is usually found giggling away with his sister in his crib!

Baby D…Mommy said please keep the teeth away and let me enjoy your gummy smile for a few more months.  I’m not ready to give up your baby-ness.  I love you more than words could ever say.