Summer Lovin’

I’m here, I’m here…not often, but I am.  This little thing called WORK has been taking over my personal life & I LOVE IT!  If you haven’t checked it out already, come on over and follow my LKSquared Photo business blog too, since that is hopefully where I’ll be spending most of my time!  I can’t give up the personal blog … I’m sentimental like that, so I’ll be back here occasionally to keep my kid’s lives on record!

I’ve really been enjoying this summer!  It’s been much different than last summer, with us being all settled in at the house, with a lot less wedding events for our loved ones, 2 little ones running around instead of one running and one sleeping all day….you know….small things!

We joined the pool, so most days Baby D and I hang out there during the day.  It means a messy house stays messy, but isn’t that what summer is all about???  (Sorry Mister LK…the vote is with me…messy house = fabulous summer, unless I say it has to be cleaned up…then we better get on it!!!)

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Miss A has been at camp for 2 weeks now and she is loving it!!!  She has a great time with all her friends and this camp lovin’ Mommy is J-E-A-L-O-U-S of her days playing!!!!

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The last thing we’ll talk about today is our annual Summer BBQ!  We’ve been doing a 4th of July (weekend) BBQ for 4 years now, and every year we have such a great time with our friends & family!  This year we had all the regulars plus Mister LKs childhood friend who happens to live 2 towns away!  We had a great time with them & hope they come back again soon!!!  We also had 2 visiting pups who got lots of love and attention & are always welcome back!

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So that is a little bit of what we’ve been up to lately!  I’ll be back with more updates this summer as we do lots more fun things!!!



A Proud Mama…

Recently I did a job that brought me back to my photography roots!  I started my photography journey in college while studying for my art education degree.  At the time I was dating a guy who lived in North Carolina.  When I’d go visit I’d spend many hours while he was at work driving around with his parents finding beautiful old barns and landscapes.  At that time I was shooting film & developing slides & doing all of my creative work in the darkroom.  I fell in love in that darkroom…with my camera.  I did many projects finding interesting architecture and capturing the details on film.  Being able to shoot digitally & edit has been interesting!  This job was focused on some big city architecture…


HK22314-5bwmI really enjoyed myself.  It was completely different from my normal shoots as I was alone with myself, my camera & the architecture instead of bouncing off other people!



I think I’m always drawn to architecture and design and I naturally am sucked in by all things linear.  Photography is a passion of mine and I hope that one day I can pass this love onto my kids.  Recently, Miss A has been showing a strong interest in picking up the camera which makes my heart burst with happiness!  It all started with an Ipod touch.  We got her one when she turned 2, and she discovered it could take photos a few months ago.  Here are some of her first shots…


IMG_3666I have been having so much fun sharing this with her.  It’s such a rush to watch Miss A pick up my big camera and learn how to see through the viewfinder to compose her shot & to see her little fingers find the shutter release and click away!






What she sees amazes me.  She is deliberate with her compositions and all of the above images were taken on manual with autofocus.  Pretty damn good for not even 4 years old!  Her hands barely fit around the camera!!!

So that is what Miss A & I have been up to lately!  Spring is coming…I can feel it…and I can’t wait to see what she’s got once we can get outside a little more!  Now, I’ll go back to nurturing the photography bug that has bitten my little girl!!!!



If you or anyone you know is in the market for some family photos, babies, toddlers, birthday party?!  Come stop by & send me a message!  I am looking forward to meeting new people & capturing your special memories!!!

Asleep at 6:30pm….What Does A Mommy Do????

So today was a camp day!  I love camp days…even if I get beat up getting her sunblocked & dressed & into the car by 9am.  See, Miss A’s “witching hours” are in the morning…unlike most children who have their bad time around 5pm.  She is whiny and demanding and ripe for tantrums from breakfast time through nap time.  So camp days, it is someone else’s problem!  Although they tell me that she’s really very good and only cries for a minute when I drop her off!  When I asked her what she did at camp last Thursday she told me “I clean toilets Mommy”.  I don’t know WHY I haven’t thought of having her do that here!!!!  She said it was fun!  If she was behaving the same for them that she is for me…well I understand the punishment of making her clean toilets!

This morning she was so incredibly loud and un-soothable that I would have sworn she was sick!  So with her runny nose I made a Dr. appointment and had her ears checked out.  All good.  No infections anywhere.  FUDGE!!!!  amoxicillin is a much easier prescription to fill than Mommy patience!  Fine…I’ll try to be a good mother for the rest of the day.

At that point (2pm) she had napped for a total of 10 minutes.  We had lunch and swam in the new pool for about 2 hours and came inside to snuggle!  Then the most unexpected thing happened…she fell asleep at 6pm!  What am I going to do with all this time on my hands!  I had already made dinner, and straightened up the house….I guess I’ll edit pictures of our fun excursion to the Hamptons from this past weekend!  I think I’m getting spoiled with all of this kid-free time!


Coming up…more photos of some awesome couples & a really fun shoot with the couple of honor!


A Man Of Many Poses…

The teaser….one for Mommy & one for Daddy….

We took some official “newborn” photos earlier today of my little man Baby H.  I think I’ll be taking a few more before I leave, but these are 2 I got before he was starving & screaming (an hour before he was scheduled to be!)

Two cute…Two Smart…Two Sassy…

Two has been rough.  I know it gets harder…but one day when A reads this blog to see what she was like when she was a baby, I’d like her to read how amazing and sweet and cuddly she was.  Unfortunately (sorry future A) that is just simply not the case most of the time!  We had a rough couple of days that almost broke Mommy last week.  This week I am trying to do better as a Mom and keep up our discipline regimen!

We had a super hot day yesterday…so hot that T walked outside, laid down on the pavement & just stayed there suntanning.  Our mexican dog loves the sun!

The sun was shining, the sprinklers were on, and A was playing…for 10 minutes!  Just enough time to get wet and want to come back inside!  My great friend lent me her camera while mine is in the final stages of being fixed…so I took this outdoor opportunity to get some “I’m 2” photos of my maniac!  She was in a very silly mood today, which was welcomed with open arms by her Mommy!

I never want to forget this tiny tushie…

This is Miss A’s sassy face…she purses her lips and then tells you “mmmm NO”…it’s so much fun…NOT

And my most favorite part of 2 has been the over-use of the name Mommy….sung “Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy”, followed by a string of “I want” and then silence!  Let the guessing games begin!!!!

Busy weekend ahead…we hope everyone has a good one!



There’s A Baby In Her Belly & She Aint’ Afraid To Show It…Show It…

My pretty sister is having a baby!  Actually, both of my pretty sisters are having babies, but this one let me take photos of her.  She looks beautiful & I can’t wait until I get to meet my niece or nephew!  I keep telling her that it is easier in than out, but she will just figure that out herself!  There’s nothing like the joy of your first born…just ask my mom 😉

This shoot was a lot of fun for me.  I got some good quality time talking to my future niece/nephew, got my sister to laugh hysterically, to witness some sweet moments between mom & soon to be baby and even got to feel a bunch of kicks from this kid!

I hope she loves the pics as much as I do 🙂  Again, I was working without my camera which is still on the mend….but we did the best we could!

Iheartfaces…On Your Feet!

Another photo challenge….and as soon as I saw the theme I thought of this photo!

I miss the sand on our feet!  Even if we could go to the beach now, we’d be bundled up!

And more about that adorable little foot…yesterday I thought she might have broken it…or at least sprained it!  We went on a big slide & at the bottom her foot got caught and she screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmed like crazy & was limping like a little puppy…then she’d drop to the floor and tell me “eett hurt” while pointing to her ankle!  Thankfully she’s fine & walking completely normal.  Just a scare.  Whew!

enjoy Monday!  We’ve got a busy day ahead…flu shot, and celebrating Auntie H’s birthday early since on her real birthday we’ll be on an airplane to California with Miss A & Cousin S…should be interesting to say the least!!!!

Photo Challenges & Photography Tutorials

Thank you Thank you Thank you Auntie S2’s Daddy!!!!!

I can edit my photos again!  And more…but I’m learning slowly!

Check out how much more awesome my blog will be once my photos look like I want them to!


My subject is beautiful….but the exposure a little off!

Seriously......this girl is my favorite ever.

I am forever grateful for Auntie S2’s Daddy (and her mommy too!).  First because without them….I wouldn’t have Auntie S2.  Which would be unacceptable.  Second, because when I have computer troubles, her Daddy is always there with the solution!  I can’t thank you enough!!!!  They were really good sports about A tearing up the office while we installed stuff too!  Oh….and their pup is really adorable….

Thank you for your generosity 🙂