
The host of the site that used to have the weekly Embrace the Camera link ups has stopped hosting the weekly parties….and so I’ve fallen off the wagon….which I don’t really like!  I’m trying to take the photos – I just seem to have many of them on my phone where no one will ever see them!

Miss A & Baby D….Here are a whole bunch of shots of you guys with your Mommy….who loves you VERY much!

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That’s me catching up on the last who know how many weeks!  I’m going to try harder to get in a photo every Thursday….

Now I’m off to get Miss A ready for her last day of camp…sad sad sad day over here.


Embrace the Camera Thursday 1.3.13

First embrace of the year! Done completely from my phone!


This was new years day morning! Right now I’m sitting in front of my house waiting for the contractor. I’d rather be in my bed with my girl watching Cinderella but I can’t wait for this to be our home again so I’ll do what has to be done!

Happy 2013!


Embrace the Camera Thursday 11.15.12

So…here we are 17 days after Mother Nature released her wrath against us in the form of that damn Superstorm Sandy.  Thanks to Mister LK’s amazing company…we were able to take a break from the stress and enjoy a weekend of relaxation!  We are so incredibly lucky…words can’t even describe it.

It was such an amazing experience to be able to see Miss A enjoying the warm weather and playing carelessly with the other kids!  Truly amazing.  And the massage wasn’t too  bad either 😉


Embracing the Camera Thursday 11.8.12

I am re-energized to take more photos with Miss A, since I lost so many!  This one is from last weekend when we were able to take a time-out from all the worry and stress and go to the Big Apple Circus.  It was a great time with Grandma, Auntie H, Cousins S & A, Mommy, Daddy & Miss A.  I highly recommend the Big Apple Circus for little ones.  It is not too overwhelming and still so much fun for everyone 🙂

This was taken outside at Lincoln Center near the fountain…It was really nice to have a little bit of happy/normal in our lives.  I hope it is not too long from now that we can do something happy/fun again.  It seems as though everything these days is work…

I hope everyone has a great Thursday.  It seems Mother Nature is ticked off.  4ft of water wasn’t enough…now we have lots of snow.  I hope Mister LK has a productive day today meeting with our insurance adjusters and contractor.  I hope he isn’t too cold and that he doesn’t come home as sick as I am!  This is just the first step, but at least it is a first step.  Now I am just praying that once we take this step, the next one isn’t “knock down house”!


Join Emily…I’m telling you…once you lose everything, you’ll realize how important these photos are…


Embrace the Camera Thursday 10.4.12

I really enjoy participating in ETC.  It has given me many many photos of Miss A and me, which I know that I wouldn’t have otherwise taken…and that is invaluable to me.  I especially love the days where I am able to get the whole family in a shot!

That’s right!  We’ve got a new pumpkin comin’!  I can’t believe it myself, but it’s really true!  It’s part of the reason I’ve been slacking on the blog posts lately…I have been crazy sick and insanely tired…and chasing after Miss A, making sure her needs are met while feeling sick and tired is a challenge I have met by getting to bed no later than 8pm basically every night!

We aren’t finding out if it’s a boy or a girl…well, at least not until the baby is here…and for anyone who knows me on facebook PLEASE do not post anything about our new addition on there!

We’re super excited about this new adventure we’re on & are so happy to be able to share our special news with you!  There might be some future posts on the differences I’m finding with bean 2.0….and how I’m doing….we’ll see how motivated I can get in this 2nd trimester!  Any advice on prepping Miss A for her new brother or sister, on getting through the terrible two’s while battling pregnancy brain and exhaustion is very welcome!

if you’re a mommy…I highly recommend getting on the ETC…even if you don’t have a blog, embrace your camera with your kids, you’ll appreciate it and so will you little ones!!!!

Embrace The Camera Thursday 8.30.12

It has been a while…I know…It’s the end of summer and we’re working on enjoying the days before school starts…not sitting by the computer!  Sorry & not sorry….

Here I am with Miss A a few weeks back at my dad’s house…we enjoyed the beautiful weather and took a break for some cuddle time!

Thank you Mister LK for catching this sweet moment between me and our little girl!


Embrace the Camera Thursday 8.2.12

This past weekend we got an extra special treat!  Auntie S2 came to visit with Uncle B & Cousin CJ & Puppy Boo.  Let me just discuss this little angel for a moment.  She was one of the sweetest, happiest, most content, smiley little girls I have ever seen.  I had no doubts that she’d grow up and be a perfect little angel…but really…did I expect that 10 seconds after she walked into our house she’d be giving me kisses on the lips and giggling with me????  She’s 13 months old…Miss A was a disaster by then!

Needless to say…I love this girl like crazy!

It was so great to see them….yes all of them!!!  But CJ was my favorite…sorry Auntie S2…I hope you still love me!

Embrace The Camera Thursday 7.25.12…When Good Girls Go Bad…

Tuesday was a scary day.  I wish I was one of those mommies who only had smiles, laughing, dress up, arts & crafts & baking to blog about…but this blog is about the reality of Mommyhood…and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shaken to my core that day.  My sweet Miss A turned sour.  She took tantrum to a whole new level…one that I have never seen before…and then there was blood.  I’d been watching her from a safe distance as she raged in her crib for 15 minutes.  I couldn’t get closer as she would grab me and try to hit, bite & scratch me if I did.  I knew she didn’t bang her head.  I never thought she’d draw blood from biting herself and scratching at her face.  I thought wrong.  After another 15 minutes Mrs. M who was with me at home Tuesday, finally got through to her with patience and a few bribes, and she calmed down.  Enough to tell me she wanted to eat & then we headed straight to the pediatrician.

3 guesses what Dr. H told us.  Guess 1:  Ear infection?  WRONG.  Ears, throat, chest…all clear.  Guess 2:  She needs baby valium?  WRONG…or right…depends on who you ask this question to!  Guess 3:  This is normal tantrum behavior.  I do NOT believe it.

Common causes of tantrums in 2 year olds.  Tired, hungry, hot, anxious, angry.  I am pretty sure she was all 5.

1.  Tired:  Miss A wakes up in the middle of the night, I’m pretty sure every night.  I don’t know what is waking her up, but I can’t seem to figure it out or prevent it.  I’m trying to make it easier for her to fall back asleep by putting the aquarium music box back into her crib.  But when I wake up in the middle of the night, and that music is on, I know she’s been up & not sleeping soundly through the night…even if she’s not waking me up complaining.

2.  Hungry:  She is a wonderful eater.  She isn’t very picky and usually will eat what I make her, but there are always days where she just doesn’t want to eat.  Tuesday…she wasn’t really eating.  I’m pretty sure she was hungry.

3.  Hot:  It was about 5000 degrees out that day.  At camp they played with water squirters and they were as cool as possible, but she was definitely hot.

4.  Anxious:  Separation Anxiety was in full force.  She was crying like a lunatic when I dropped her off…but she has the BEST time at camp.  They take candid photos and post them to their website so parents can take a peek into their day…A is always the star of the photos with laughs and big smiles.  I know she’s having fun.  When I pick her up…she starts with a happy Mommy smile…then it turns to crying…Doc says…it’s about…#5

5.  Anger:  She said something that I had never thought of.  I’m dropping her off, even after she’s telling me she doesn’t want to separate from me.  Even though she’s having a great time, when she sees me at the end of the 2.5 hours, she remembers that I left her and is now angry!  This anger thing makes sense more and more because the other tantrums are happening when I’m asking her to do something she doesn’t want to do…but she doesn’t know how to tell me she’s angry.  So she freaks out.

Doctors orders are to hold her so she’s not hitting me, and the only problem with that is…then she tries to bite me!  So I’ve been just staying away from her and speaking calmly to her and letting her know I’m there for her, I love her and it is ok to cry but she can’t hit or bite me…It is the hardest thing ever to do since I have little patience.  But yesterday…it sort of worked!  Granted, it was not a camp day, and today is the real test as she goes back to camp this morning, but I’m going to remember yesterday as a huge success…we had 1 short, slightly violent tantrum and 1 pretty long but non-violent crying tantrum!  That is a big difference from Tuesday!  She’s 2….she’s going to have tantrums, I just have to let her get through it safely!

Has anyone else had tantrums with violence?!?!?!

I hope my baby girl is still here today!  I’ll be sure to take lots more pictures of us while she’s in happy moods like this!

I’m planning to pick up Miss A from camp today with ice cream & cookies & cupcakes & stickers & jewelry & toys and anything else she loves so that she is so happy that she forgets how mad she is at me for leaving her!  I’m sure that’s against all rules in any parenting book, but I don’t care!

Update…this Mommy might jump off a bridge today….we’ll just say that today isn’t going well & it is not even 9am.  No camp today…

Embrace the Camera Thursday 7.12.12

I miss this little man!!!!!

It has been a very busy Thursday around here…and there have been no shortage of tantrums, but there was camp & playdate & nap so all in all, I’m not complaining!

Hopefully we’re getting out to the boardwalk tonight and Miss A will cooperate & not embarass me!  Cross your fingers for me!