Embrace the Camera Thursday 3.31.11

How is it April tomorrow??? My baby is going to be 1 year old in LESS THAN A MONTH????  I don’t understand how time is flying, and I don’t care to.  I just want it to stop.  I know it won’t – so I guess I’ll just embrace the camera today so that I can capture memories of us together while she’s still a baby!

The other day, A woke up and when we came to sit in the living room with Uncle C, she put her head down on my shoulder and relaxed her whole body and snuggled with me for a whole 10 minutes.  It was the best feeling ever.  No wriggling, no squirming, no whining, just snuggling with Mommy!  I thought I would try that first thing in the morning thing again ….. no surprise, my giggler just wouldn’t have it!

Oh well…it was good while it lasted, and having a little giggler on my hands wasn’t so bad either!!!

Confessions of a LK Housewife…

I have a fantastic husband, my dog is the cutest on the planet, my cat is so sweet and I have the BEST daughter in the entire world.

That being said.  I want to check out for a few days!

I’m tired of the monotony….but it is not possible to check out like I could pre-baby.  There’s no more snuggling up on the couch with T and ignoring all phone calls to watch marathons of bad tv.  The best I can do now is wake up praying she sleeps late, then take this girl on to the boardwalk and pray she sleeps a little more!

I asked for it…I got it…stay at home mom status.  I do complain, but I’m really lucky.  I might be a sadist, but I wouldn’t change a thing.  (except I would totally get a housekeeper!)

A’s been really cranky lately.  I feel terrible because I know it is due to her teething & that she’s in pain.  I still want to scream and rip my hair out!  The way I get my satisfaction has gone from watching A play nicely with her toys (since she refuses to play with her toys anymore…) to getting things like this accomplished while she’s napping:

My all new, clean, white, organized PANTRY!

Everything is so neat and organized, and all my cabinets can now have their doors put on them!

I always did like to clean and organize when I was stressed…I guess I’m a little stressed a lot of the time since all I want to do, ALL the time is clean up around here!

"I am sorry for making you crazy Mommy!!!!"

Embrace the Camera Thursday 3.24.11

Good Morning!

We took this last Thursday…even though we didn’t post it last week!  We went to Westchester to visit our friends and spend the day with Auntie E.  I haven’t figured out how to blog from my blackberry yet, so this had to wait for this week!

A, TR & Mommy on TR's backyard ice rink...how cool!

TR’s Daddy had this rink put in their backyard so that his boys could skate.  TR is an INCREDIBLE ice skater! & he is pretty awesome at hockey too!  He’s not even 4 yet and the way he skates is just incredible.  We had a beautiful day for our visit and the rink was a little watery since 75 degrees and sunny has a tendency to melt ice!  A had fun being walked around the rink too.  She loved watching TR skate around and play!

We’re wishing everyone a happy Thursday!

Good Luck Cousin S!

Today Cousin S is going in for a little procedure to help her constant ear infections.  She’s going to go to sleep in her mom’s arms, and wake up in her mom’s arms so I hope its not too traumatic for her.  When she gets home…there are so many presents for her, she’s going to wish she could go to the Dr everyday!  Its better than Hannukah!


What a brave girl!!!




Good Luck Princess S…A & Auntie LK will see you when you get home!  We love you so much!

Lunch with ALL the girls!

Its not often that Cousin A2 makes an appearance outside the house.  She also thinks her mom’s name is Julia…but she’s learning!

When A&M were here, we went on a shopping trip to NJ, and all the girls & little M man got to go out to lunch!  Wow do restaurants love us.  I think they need to break out the shop-vac when we leave.  Oh well…we tip.

Check out these kiddos!

Miss S eating A's puffs!


"Hey Mommy....what are YOU doing photographing me eating?!?!"

Good boy M...he handled all the girls like a champ! Made his Daddy proud!

Really?? What is she in the mini Ray Bans!

Fun shopping trip.  Still not sure why Roosevelt Field doesn’t have a Zara kids.  Its a little ridiculous to have to go almost 2 hours away to NJ to shop for the little girl.

Guess I’m a little ridiculous though, because I went!

To Gramma’s house she went…

And Mommy has a day without…


Can you hear the screaming...?????

I have big plans for today!  Cleaning, organizing, painting, & showering!  Its going to be so nice to not have to think about making baby lunch & bottles & naptime & what the heck is in her mouth now?!  I do miss this little nut head though.  She walked at Grandma’s house.  Obviously.  She is the cutest thing ever so even though I am going to enjoy the clean house & some finished projects & possibly even some window coverings in our bedroom…I’m so excited to get to NJ to see her tomorrow!


Before the girl is 11 months…

I guess I should show you her 10 month photo huh!

Eating the cap to Mommy's camera


Attacking Mommy!



This month was fun!  A has 6 teeth, which she got in sets of 2.  She took her first steps, but hasn’t taken any alone in a few days.  She eats everything, she had her first taste of peanut butter and jelly and she really enjoyed it.  Her favorite foods of the month are cream cheese and jelly on toast, and grilled cheese.  Lots and lots of grilled cheese.  Another thing she devoured this month was half of my spinach and feta omlette…she really loved it.  Weirdo!  She got a new spring wardrobe and we had 2 spring like days but since its not Memorial day yet, she didn’t break out the white pants!

We booked our trip with A,R,&M for the Florida Keys and we’re pretty excited!  I’m stocking up on bathing suits for the little girl and I’m on the hunt for a “caftan” for me!  Caftan sounds way cooler than mumu right?!

Anyway, I’m not sure which of the above will make the final cut for the monthly photo, but those are my 2 favorites!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Stomach bugs…

We’ve made it almost to 11 months before we got one…

3 sheet, PJ & blankie changes later…its 1am and we’re up waiting to do it all over again.

My poor girl…

Party timeeeee!!

We had PD’s 1st brithday party while we had our visitors.  It was at the Little Gym & A had a FANTASTIC time!  M got to climb his little heart out & I saw PD have some serious fun with bouncy balls!


Pre-Party Sushi with the fam!

Birthday Girl & her Daddy!

"Watch me Mommy!"

"Hey M...let me show you what to do!"

"Kiss my toes!!!!!"

M climbs UP

M climbs DOWN

A on the balance beam!

M showing off his moves!

A & Mommy in the circle!

PD with the drumsticks!

C, PD & A with the balls!!!

This was a great party!  Thanks E&R for inviting us and including A&M 🙂  We’re looking forward to many many more birthday parties for this adorable little girl!


A week with A&M was a real walk in the park…

Right after the aquarium, we went to the diner for lunch, and then the park!  We tried to find Auntie H to take S&A2 with us, but it didn’t work out, so we went by ourselves and the kids loved it!

Swinging together!

She loves the swings!

Swung the hat off!

M prefered the climbing!

and he's showing A how to climb up the slide!

she's a very fast learner!

Always with the tongue.....blehdelehdahledah

I love this smile!

Yummy boy

"I know I can make it up this thing!"

"and down...!"

"Hey M...THIS WAY!!!"

"I see something else to climb on!"

"Hahaha I did it!!!"

"UhOh!!!! Mommy caught me running away!!!"

We had such a good time 🙂

After this we went to Auntie H’s house and played a little with cousins S & A2.  Always fun.

In other good news, A has another 2 teeth.  We found them on Sunday.  She’s been on a path of getting teeth in pairs, which is fine by me!  She was really cranky for the last few days, and now we know why!  She has also started to really “fake cry”.  A real WAHHHHH with no tears, and its followed by a smirk.  This girl is going to be trouble with capital T.  But I love her!!!