Locks of Boredom…

A little bit like Locks of Love, except there’s no minimum hair length before the chopping, oh…and there’s also no licensed hairdresser doing the cutting….oh wait….you don’t just cut your hair off??????

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Look at that gorgeous hair.  The hair we’ve been waiting to grow for 4+ years now.  Anyone care to guess how it looks right now??????

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What is a mother to do????

I’ll tell you what I did…Miss A, are you listening…please remember this when you have a daughter who cuts her own hair.  It is most certainly one of my better parenting moments…no sarcasm.  You don’t believe me do you?

Backstory.  The kids both have Staph infections.  They also have mild cases of coxackie.  And Miss A has a ruptured ear drum.  We’ve been home recuperating all week.  Fun times here….fun times.

So…I went to do some mundane, unnecessary task, you know, like getting Baby D out of his crib and changing his diaper.  Apparently, the 2 hours I’d spent with Miss A having 1 on 1 time for breakfast, doing some arts and crafts, coloring in her new sketchbook and chatting was not enough to keep her wild mind and spirit for adventure satisfied for the 6 minutes this silly task took.

We fed baby D, we got him dressed and as we were walking towards the door to leave and head to the grocery store…out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked like tufts of hair from a hairbrush on Miss A’s floor…..and then I noticed the unmistakable orange handle.  That  handle plus the blunt cut lines on the hair…I knew.  Now, when I looked at her I couldn’t really tell where she cut the hair from…then I got a little closer.  I quietly asked “Miss A…did you cut your hair?”  She started to cry.  Sob actually.  Uncontrollably.  Now…if someone took a scissor to my hair and did that to me, I’d cry that way too.  Thing is, SHE DID IT TO HERSELF!  Why the crying?????  I didn’t even yell!!!

I explained to her that it was her hair, and if she’d like it to be long like she says she does, cutting it will not speed up that result.  Sweetheart!

Inside I’m dying.  If she’s wearing a headband or a bow, it’s not SO noticeable…but in any other circumstance, she has side bangs.  No…not the pretty kind that are layered…more the mullet kind that can’t be fixed unless I chop her hair into a bowl cut.

Miss A…come on.  Can’t I get a break?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh I did.  Thanks for not cutting your brother’s hair.  Silver lining.

Patting myself on the back for not freaking the F out.  You’re welcome Miss.

If You Don’t Like Gay Marriage, Don’t Get Gay Married…

If you DO support people in love, getting hitched….no matter who you are, well then you’re one of us!

This wedding was the place to be.  If you weren’t invited, you were definitely not in the cool crowd.  Great friends, great love, great time.

I had fantastic assistants for this party!  It’s how I roll when I want to be in front of the camera sometimes!!!  By how I roll, I mean I have some talented friends (read: free assistants) who have great composition skills!  My main help on this beautiful day was Mr. J.


The experienced and the novices!


Batter up….


Big Reveal ….Coming Up



Boys being boys….sideline score checking

Father / Son moment


When the grass is wet....

When the grass is wet….

Our handsome boys

Our handsome boys




Father of The Year…

Before the day ends…I’d like to wish my amazing husband and father of my kids, Mister LK, the happiest of father’s days.  If anyone deserves a day to celebrate you for all that you do as Daddy around here…you are the man.

On another note…don’t all father’s who have wives have father’s day, every day?

I do a lot around here….BUT….Mister LK does more for this family than I ever imagined a person could do.  I truly don’t know how he does it.  (Don’t let this go to your head honey – we didn’t make 42″ wide doors!!!)

This family is so lucky to have him.  We try to tell him as much as possible, but we’re usually so caught up in the day to day that we certainly don’t say it enough.  We love you Daddy and thank you for everything that you do to make sure this family stays happy, healthy, sane, and silly!





C5068151-F87E-4848-9F72-5B321DAC78A4There is nothing that you wouldn’t do for us and we know it.  I feel so lucky that my daughter gets to grow up with a Daddy like you, and I’m certain that my son is going to turn out perfect, just like his Daddy.  We love you more than any holiday could express.  We hope we make you as happy as you make us.

Now…Can you walk the dog, feed the cat, and take out the trash 😉  jk…you already took out the trash!




Happy Toddler = Happy Mommy

We recently got a phone call from our family therapist checking in on us.  I couldn’t believe it myself, but when I sat on my couch and thought about Miss A and what she has been up to lately, I actually said out loud….”She’s been really nice to me lately!”  With everything going on, I can now add to my list of things that are driving me crazy, a chronic cough and congestion, but I can almost positively take the chronically irrational toddler off that same list!  (knock on wood!)  We all have our moments here in the LK house, but we seem to have gotten into a routine that includes smiling and politeness and compromise!  I can’t express how nice it is to have fun instead of spending all our time in time-out!

This Valentine’s day, Miss A will spend having a party in school, while I am at the Dr getting a better look at this crazy cough.  Don’t be jealous!  I’ll be thinking about this smile all day long though 🙂

A on sled 2


Mister LK will be at work and he probably won’t even remember it is the hallmark holiday until he reads this!  But we love him & hope he’s having a great day!

A on Daddy 1


I hope the moody toddler part was the phase, and this happy girl is the more permanent version of my girl!  I’m sure she’s hoping the same thing about me!  It is really curious to think that at 8 months I have finally come out of my moodiness … when I’m the most uncomfortable I’ve been and I’ve been pretty sick and have I mentioned that I haven’t slept more than 3 hours in the last 3 days?!  I really hope I’m not jinxing myself here, and if I am, this post is coming down ASAP!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  I hope you get to spend it with the one(s) you love!

Mommy &; A

All I’ve Ever Wanted…

In light of the fact that there are 4 amazingly important weddings coming up in the fall, 4 couples who I love enormously….I’d like to write a little something about how I feel about weddings.

I was never one of those girls who had “visions” of her wedding.  I had visions of a husband.  I had rules and deal breakers and must haves and must have nots.  I took my relationship experiences and learned a lot from each of them, familial and romantic.  I wanted a person who was perfect for me.  That…is all I ever wanted.


Weddings are to me, a super fun party where all the people you love come to celebrate the union of two people who are in love.  Nothing more than a party.  The things that people care about like flowers, table settings, colors, dresses, seating charts, food…it was all secondary to the fact that I would be marrying my best friend.  And in my case…he also had to love my best friend…


I loved the party planning, the venue hunting, the dress shopping, the inspiration photos…but in the end of the day…none of it made my wedding as special as this guy…

mister lkTo all of our friends and family getting all wedding ready…I hope you really enjoy your planning, but don’t lose sight of why you’re doing it all!  At the end of this, you’ll be married to your best friend.  It won’t always be easy.  It won’t always be as fun as you think it will be.  It will be as good as you make it.  You’re going to learn things about the other person that will make you like them less, but love them so much more.  It is work, but it feels a lot less like work when you know that you didn’t go into this disillusioned.  They are dealing with the same feelings about you.  You’re their best friend in the world.  You are partners.  You’re on the same side.  Colors and napkins and flowers…they mean some pretty pictures…marrying the one person that is perfect for you means a lifetime of happiness and security.

Thank you Mister LK for making our whole wedding planning super simple and non-stressful.  I can’t say the last 3.5 years have been stress-free…we have a crazy kid and one on the way…I’d be insane to call that stress-free!…but I can say that I would not have wanted to go through any of this with anyone else!  I love you so so so much.  You’re an amazing husband and the best dad I know.


I can’t wait to dance the fall away with all of our friends and family!


15 Years Ago…

Mister LK was at the Roosevelt Field Mall with a bunch of cheerleaders…eating Johnny Rockets & being silly.  On the way home, he was dropped off last … and his life was changed forever (hehehe).  That’s right….that was our first date, and our first night as boyfriend and girlfriend.  Our journey since then has been long and windy and sometimes complicated, but we’ve been best friends ever since that day!

We don’t really celebrate this day, but I happened to notice it on the calendar today so I thought I’d just say I love you to my Mister.  Thanks for being a great husband and dad.  I’m not sure I expected to get a husband out of that date, but I’m sure glad I did!

The LKs circa 1997

The LKs @ prom after party June 1998


Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mom’s I know.  Today you should be showered with all the love & praise you should get everyday, but probably don’t since there’s not much time in our regular days for that!

To all my mommy relatives & friends:  you’re amazing.  Each and every one of you has taught me so much and has helped me along this rocky path of mothering a toddler!  Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to you!

To my Grandma in heaven:  You were the most influential mother in my life & I thank you for being the tough, do it all, know it all, handle everything, love me like no one else could Grandma and best friend.  I miss you every single day.

To my Grandma here on earth:  You are so sweet and kind and tolerant.  You have patience like no other woman I know and I love you so much!

To my Mom:  I don’t think I would have made it to A’s 2nd birthday without you!  You’re the first place I go when I have questions, need to vent, need someone to laugh or cry with…you get A to listen like no one else, and seeing her smile when she sees you makes me so happy.  I hope you know how important you are to me and my family, on Mother’s Day & every day.  You have told me that motherhood is a thankless job, and even though you’re right…on most days…today I am thanking you.  For putting up with all the SH*T that my sisters and I put you through for all of these years, for all of the early years that I don’t even remember, and for all the future things you will help me through.  I can’t thank you enough.

The Anniversary of the Big Fight…

February 17th 2008…I woke up so angry at boyfriend LK.  We had spent the entire day before having a super romantic day of wine tasting, a magnificent dinner in the hamptons…dessert…and I woke up Sunday morning and was still a “girlfriend”.  The thought in my head was something like…”what a douchbag…he thinks I’m going to wait around forever…I don’t give a crap what plans we had today…I’m staying in bed all day and I really don’t want to see him right now…”  What I said was “I’m not getting up…go do your errands and I’ll see about getting ready”.

Then he started getting pushy…and forced me up and out to our scheduled museum visit.

UGH.  So.freaking.annoying.  So not in the mood for Optical Illusion and Pop Art.  I wanna go home and snuggle with T.  He loves me for sure…OMG he’s trying to talk to me…why won’t he get the idea that I don’t want to talk to him today…”read the signs right next to the art…they’ll explain everything”

and then…

There was no sign.  There was no pop art…but there must have been an optical illusion…because MY painting was hung up in the gallery…mine.  The one I painted for the boyfriend’s housewarming gift.  Huh?  How? Who? waitaesecond…..he said WHAT?????  WILL I MARRY HIM?????  (I really don’t even know if he said that…but I was shocked!)  All I could say then was “Are you kidding me???”

And some bad bad pictures.  I really was not photograph ready!  I didn’t even shower!  I didn’t want to get out of bed!!!!  UGH who’s the idiot now Miss LK?!?!

We have no pictures of the painting hung in the museum since Mister LK was so nervous he forgot his camera was in his coat!  But I don’t think that memory is going anywhere anytime soon!  And now it is in this blog…

Best fight I’ve ever had!

The Mister I always dreamed of.  The best partner in life.  My better half.

Thank you for giving me everything I ever dreamed of.  Even if I am mean to you sometimes 😉