Babyproofing 102…

How do you manage to not kill a baby when you have a screaming toddler?  I think that is the 50 gagillion dollar question of parents to more than 1 kid…OR…20 thousand if you hire a professional babyproofer!  I think I’ve mentioned here that I made it through all of Miss A’s life without babyproofing, she just got into different types of trouble.  I had to remove things like crayons, markers, nail polish etc, so to save my house from her wrath, but I never had to cushion the coffee table or tie down the toilet seat.

Baby D is proving to me that there will be no comparing these 2 kids of mine in the, getting into trouble, department.  He’s a lot more stealth-like with his mischief.  He’s gotten his head stuck under the sofa, sticks his little fingers into the sockets, pulls all the cords out of the outlets, was caught splashing away in the (thank gd just cleaned) toilet, pulled down a glass bottle and shattered it along with it’s contents (salt)…and the slamming of the doors (that is certainly going to end in pain)…all at times when I am dealing with the drama that Miss A brings!   How do you prioritize one kids mental safety over the other one’s physical safety?  You cave and do a little babyproofing.

Since this is really my first go at this, I decided to do a little inter-searching, you know….googling “first things to babyproof for protection against a Macgyver baby”.  The first site I came upon had a page of suggestions….in which these 2 statements were found.

“Never leave your baby alone for even a minute unless he is in his crib or playpen………Once you’ve made your home safe, and made yourself aware of the risks to your child, it’s important to just relax and let your little one explore. Only by being given the freedom to investigate his surroundings can your baby truly learn and grow.”

Uh-huh.  I see.  Let me get this straight.  Stick your kid in a cage, then sit back and relax while they are free to explore their cell.  Just how long do you think my kid would stand for that?!  I say -10 seconds!!!! I bought the outlet covers, and some baby gates to keep him away from Miss A’s things and am now in search of something that will stop the damn doors from swinging!  I’m not….NOT….putting him in a playpen, and his crib is for sleeping.  I’m packing up anything in his reach, or close to his reach.  It’s a good thing Mister LK didn’t let me replace quite every decorative thing I had before the storm!  I’m letting him fall a little, and cry a little, and learn a lot.  I’m going to lock the cabinet under the sink because he is the type to want to check out what is in there.  As we come to each new problem, I will pray the big girl gives me a break and lets me keep at least half my eyes on him, and if not, I hope the 5 lives he has left last at least until he’s more sturdy on his feet!

Speaking of the next problem….



At least I buy organic, all natural dog food!

9 Months Old Already?

Hi 9 months.  It’s nice to see you.  Can you go away now please?  Go back where you came from and give me my baby back, ok?  Thanks.  Surprise, surprise, you aren’t listening…just like everyone else around here!

D1New since last month…I didn’t think it was possible, and I’ll stop jinxing myself, but the kid moves more than the NYC subway system.  I can get about 20 minutes a day of him in the exer-saucer, and that is in 5 minute increments!  I’m tired!  His crawling has turned into this weird spider walk on his hands and feet.  He’s ridiculously fast.  I can’t pee without him getting into something or somewhere he isn’t supposed to be!  I have baby gates now…something I never had before…o keep the baby OUT of things! D2He has all 6 teeth now.  4 on top, and 2 on bottom.  I believe the teeth are done coming down for the time being, since his face has cleared up and so has his mood!  Except for that damn ear infection he had during this month!  He took his first antibiotic at 9 months old (like a champ)…pretty damn good for a formula fed baby who slept on his belly since birth!  We spent one day a week at the doctor for 7 weeks until we got that ear infection diagnosis!  Not that I ever wish for my kids to be sick, but when they are in pain, you look for a concrete reason with a medicine fix!

Drool status…going strong.  Teeth or no teeth, this boy can drool.  If he’s dressed, he’s wearing a bib.  I change his bibs every 2 hours or so.  They are always soaked.  It is gross.  He’s like a slug.  Everywhere he crawls, he leaves a trail of slime behind.  It is helpful when he crawls off when I’m dealing with Miss A and I can’t seem to find where he’s gotten to!

D4He is still putting everything in his mouth.  Including a ton of food!  The flavor combinations I can feed this kid rival the judges of Top Chef!  I hope to get lots of recipes up here on Fridays!  I hope I can keep it up!  His babbling is getting clearer, and he’s been heard a time or 2 saying Mama.  He’s got Baba, Lala, Nana….and he screams.  In public.  Loudly.  It’s fun when I’m at a restaurant…and unlike Miss A…this one doesn’t have a bobo to stick in his mouth and make him quiet!

D6He is still having his love affair with his puppy.  He spends his days chasing T around and we really can’t decide if he’s trying to get him off his face, or coaxing him TO his face!!!  He has started to really grab at T & pull hard.  I am shocked, but it must be true love because T just sits there & takes it.  Makes no sense seeing as how if I move my foot in bed, he growls at me…and I am the one who butters his bread, so to speak, or literally.  Whatever.

D3Baby D, you are growing too fast.  Slow it down ok?  You are keeping me on my toes and there’s no one I’d rather run around after like a lunatic!  You’re a sweet sweet boy, and a wonderful little brother.  When you see your sister, your face lights up and my heart melts.  When you wake up and smile at me, I just want to freeze time.  You’re a good boy little man and I am looking forward to all that you are going to teach me!

10 months…here we come!!!

54789340854678678567 Baby Products….Our 11 Favorites!

There are a lot of baby products out there….and lots of them are a waste of time and money.  It can be really hard to navigate which ones are worth it!  (yes….everyone’s “worth it” is different!)  We didn’t have anyone to tell us what was a good buy and a pointless buy the 1st time around.  This time…I’m keeping track for our future and for any friends, family or strangers who stumble onto our blog! These are the items we love for infants age 0-3 months… ** I was not paid or incentivized to give any of these opinions….these are just things I like 🙂 . 0-3 favs Feeding:

1.  Bottle feeding is our choice.  I know there are many people who judge me, but that is ok…this is our choice for our family and it works for us.  With Miss A we tried just about every bottle on the market.  We preferred Born Free.  Incredibly, our bottles (and some other infant things) were something that survived the flood (thanks attic!), so we didn’t even have to replace them!  We did replace the nipples!  We used the small 5oz size first…now we use the larger ones.  There is a glass option if you feel that is for you.  We thought about it but the cons outweighed the pros. bottle 2.  We got the Avent sterilizer when Miss A was born & it has served Miss A, our cousin CJ, and now Baby D.  I know I could boil the bottles and pieces too, but this is super quick (about 5 minutes) and all of the pieces for 6 bottles fit nicely inside…and then they come out sterilized!  I’m all for things that save me time!  They don’t make this model anymore, so the link is to the newer version

3.  Bibs.  Miss A was a spit up girl.  Thankfully, so far, Baby D only spits up on occasion….HOWEVER….he can rival a St. Bernard in the drool department!  We love the Silly Billyz bibs.  The front gets wet, and the back stays dry.  We used Mum2mum with Miss A but I like the Silly Billyz a little better since they have a tighter seal at the neck! BibPlay:

4.  Baby D spends a lot of time traveling around, as most 2nd children do!  When he gets into the carseat, he isn’t too thrilled!  This small Tiny Love travel mobile has a detachable arm that allows you to use it on a crib (like a pack and play or travel crib or bassinet of the stroller etc) or velcro to attach it to the car seat so it can entertain him while we drive.  Both of my kids loved this mobile! travel mobile 5.  Another thing that Baby D has to deal with is being put down in his crib for periods of time while I attend to his big sis’.  We like this bigger Tiny Love mobile to keep his attention off the fact that we left him in there!  Its colorful and the music is soothing, and when he starts to stand and pull on the top, we’ll probably keep the music box attached like we did with Miss A!


6.  Our original playmat didn’t make it through Sandy.  Our friend AG gave us her son’s playmat when they came up to visit, and we also got this Fischer Price Piano playmat that we saw our cousin J play with, as a gift from our friends.  This has been amazing for us.  I have put him down on this mat and he’s played independently for over an hour.  He’s been doing tummy time and playtime on this mat since basically he came home from the hospital!  The only thing this is missing is a gate surrounding it to keep T from making out with Baby D!


Diapers, etc:

7.  Honest Diapers.  I love them.  They are about the same, if not a little cheaper than if I were buying Pampers diapers and Huggies wipes (which is my chosen combo when not ordering from  The best benefit I’ve seen is that we’ve had basically NO diaper rash since we stopped using the Pampers/Huggies.  I will say that I prefer the Huggies wipes for my wipe warmer, because the Honest wipes can’t be used with our warmer…it’s the way they’re folded in the package that doesn’t work…oh well!  Bonus…they are fun looking!  Seriously….check out the patterns!  I also have bought their shampoo/body wash, conditioner, lotion, lip balm, and a bunch of other products from them for Miss A and our house.  I’ve enjoyed them all.



8.  I started my love affair with Aden & Anais when Miss A came into our lives.  It was ridiculously hot that spring and we were living in a house with window A/C’s.  I used their swaddling blankets with her until she fit into the Miracle Blanket.  Baby D will never get to wear the miracle blanket, because you can’t swaddle a thumb sucker!  You also don’t have to go into their room 50 times a night to put their bobo’s back in when they spit them out!  This go-round, our friends bought us a package of Bamboo swaddling blankets.  Unreal.  The softest, lightest, but still warm, great for swaddling (with his arms out), perfect for covering the carseat or stroller to protect him from the sun while still letting him breathe!


9.  We are sound machine lovers in this house.  I refuse to tell Miss A to “SHHHHH” a zillion times a day, nor will I tell our dog not to bark while the baby is sleeping!  We used the sleep sheep for Miss A, and that worked great, but now that there’s an older sister running around, sometimes the 45 minutes of ocean sounds aren’t quite enough!  My Aunt R gave the Sound Machine Projector to us as a gift for Baby D and we have loved it.  You can set it to a timer, or leave it on all night.  I can’t speak much to the projector side, although I think it is a cool feature, since this baby is a belly sleeper, he doesn’t see much of those lights!

sound machine

10.  The next one is something that helps Mister LK and I sleep soundly.  Our Summer Baby Monitor.  We had an older model before the storm, but we needed a new one..since…well…it is NOT waterproof!  It is a really nice thing to be able to put the baby to bed and check on him without getting up in the middle of the night to go into his room!  We are blessed with a sleepyhead and when I take Miss A to wait for the bus, it is nice to be able to keep an eye on the baby and make sure he’s not screaming!  This new version makes adjustments easier!  The camera can be moved on the touchscreen.  That should be helpful once he moves around the crib more!



11.  Finally…the item that 2nd time parents often find “so-so” useful the 1st time around and “SO….SOOOOOOO” useful the 2nd time around!  Our baby carrier!  With Miss A I had the Baby Bjorn.  I put her in it once and she came out with her whole leg red and bruised after 10 minutes from broken capillaries, a result of the carrier and her thighs not really working together!  At that point I was too nervous to use another one…so it wasn’t until she was about 8-9 months old that I got the Moby Wrap.  I loved it, and still do, but it’s pretty heavy fabric and since it is being lent to our friend right now to wrangle her 1 year old, I got myself a Solly Baby Wrap.  It is so lightweight, perfect for the summer, so soft and keeps Baby D close to me, upright and my hands are free to do everything I need to do!

So those are my favorites so far!  We’ll be spending the next 3months figuring out what things we need to add & the stuff we can pack up!

Coming Home-ish…

We have been home for a few days…and by home, I don’t mean back in our house, I mean we took this new little man out of the hospital to get him settled in with our new little family!  Miss A came with Mister LK to pick us up and she was a great big sister helper!  We had a nice quiet morning, got all checked out, took a ride on a wheelchair & into the car!  We came home and were greeted by Grandma, Auntie S, Cousin H, Auntie H, Cousins S & A, our fantastic Nurse C, and as always, our fur siblings T & M.

It was a full house to say the least!

D morning sleep in Mommy's bed

Hiding his face

A & D on bed

Getting D Dressed 1

D sleeping in take me home outfit

A sweet smile

D in his outfit

A with silly mouth face

A silly face

A kissing D

A & D smiling

A & D in the carBeing home has been wonderful!  Miss A is adjusting & we’re getting more and more settled every day!  Next goal is to get home, home.  Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes 🙂

B is for Boy…

We have a boy!  I never imagined I would ever have a boy…except for T…but I do!  And he pees a lot, just like T 🙂

Up until now, T was the cutest boy around, but Baby D is giving him a run for his money!


We had a lot of fun in the hospital, which I know sounds silly, but it is true!  We had visitors and Miss A got lots of presents from Baby D, and she gave dance lessons to all the nurses!  Now…I’m sure that anyone who was outside in the 70+ weather enjoyed their days as much as I did, but they didn’t get to spend their whole day with my children….so…..I win!  Tantrums and all 🙂

A giving PD a checkup

DD laughing

Dr A

H & E

H & HCan we just discuss what a happy and chilled out baby my nephew is.  I hope for my sister’s sake that he keeps this disposition (which he inherited from his Auntie LK)…and I hope for myself that Baby D is as happy and content as this little one!  His smile and laugh are really the best!

H & D

Grandma & D

Auntie S, H, Grandma & D

Miss A, Cousin S, Auntie H & Baby D

Cousin S & D

Miss A silly face

Cousin's hanging out in bed

Mommy and her babiesWe’re settling in now that we’re home.  Adjusting to life with 2.  Miss A is getting more and more used to this arrangement every day.  Hoping to get some more photos up tomorrow!

All Star Camper!

Yesterday was Miss A’s first day at camp!  She’s in a wonderful program at Twin Oaks Day Camp.  Each 2 year old camper has their own 1 on 1 counselor to stick with them and them only!  That 1 on 1 attention is something that definitely helped Miss A transition from Mommy all day to Camper 1/2 day with ease.  She had a fantastic 1st day…and since she’s my daughter, I really had no doubt that she’d love camp!  Just wait until she is about 7….she’s headed straight to sleep-away!  (yes Mr LK…sleep-away…ASAP….)

How adorable is Miss A’s counselor?!  She’s itty bitty & A loves her!  I hope her soft spoken, sweet, kind personality rubs off on Miss A a little bit this summer!

While the girls were at camp, E & I took some time to go play with someone WAY less fussy than our 2 year olds!!!!

The baby…the puppy…and the mommy who I didn’t get a picture of all made our little afternoon off the perfect morning!  Thanks to the H’s for having us over!  And to MH for letting me hold this adorable, sweet baby girl for 2 hours straight….I love her!!!!!!

When we picked the girls up, Miss A was SLEEPING!!!!  She had so much fun that she wore herself out before the day was even over!  According to the counselors, she was a little fish in the swimming pool & went nuts in the water!  She bounced in the bounce house, ate cookies and crackers and fell asleep in music!  Can’t wait for Tuesdays & Thursdays all summer long!