A2 Milestones!

Auntie H is a busy girl.  Way way way too busy to do mundane things like…I dunno…record milestones of her 2nd baby!

For the future, baby A2, here are some things that you are doing that I think are noteworthy at age 7 months…

You babble, you coo, you smile, you cry a lot at Gramma, you move…wow, do you move.  You sit up on your own, you get to anything you want to by wiggling your way there.  Your mom had to lower your crib already to the lowest setting.  Today’s big deal…you pulled yourself up to standing on the coffee table.  You looked around a while, saw noone was looking, waited until they did, and a bubble appeared over your head that read: “Thanks for noticing me….”

I’ll have to get more of the scoop from your mom to out up here and record so one day you can look back and see all the cool things you were doing just like A!

I love you little mommy-twin!

sleeping beauty!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 5.26.11

Last week we missed ETC due to my Mommy-brain condition that hasn’t subsided yet.  13 months later and I still have that crazy CRS* side effect.  By the time I realized it was Thursday….it was Friday!

Here’s me and miss A in Islamorada!  We will be back in Florida this weekend at Disney/Orlando.  We’ve been in Florida all May.  I’m not complaining, so much, but A isn’t exactly the best behaved on the airplane!  I’m praying she is good on this trip…since we will be traveling with all of my husband’s coworkers, I would like for A to make a good first impression!

I love my little girl in the warm weather…I think seeing her thighs & tushy make my day better everyday.  I wish they made the screaming more tolerable 😉

Parenthood is…

Asking for help.

I am putting my mind into this book and evaluating my little girl as fairly as I can.  I need to do this for both of us.  I miss A’s infancy.  I miss the little cries & whimpers.  Toddler cries are way more dramatic!  I have to learn how to be less reactive to her whining & crying and more reactive to her underlying needs.  I need to set boundaries & stick with them.  I need to find my patience and stop “loosing it” when she’s screaming at me.  It is hard.  Parenthood is so hard.  I need to do whatever I can to make it easier and to get out of my own way.  I’ve taken the quiz in this book and it seems we have a “Textbook Baby” on our hands….with a little bit of a “Spirited” & “Angel” kid thrown in for good measure!  I can’t wait to read the rest of this book!  If it doesn’t work, I have some more on the list to read, but I believe in the “Dog Whisperer” so why not the baby one!

Sun + Fun + Friends = Great Vacation!

Add KIDS to that equation, you get a fantastic FAMILY Vacation.  This was our first family vacay.  It was most certainly much different than our vacations pre-baby.  #1 reason = no sleeping in.  Not even close!  Our little girl sleeps like an angel here at home in her crib….usually from 7:30pm – 8am.  Its great & I love it.  And her.  On vacation however, she thought 5am was the latest she’d sleep to.  It sucked & I didn’t love it.  I still loved her.  This mother thing is weird!

We miss our NC family & can’t wait to do another trip with them soon!

We are spending most of May in Florida!  We head to DISNEY on Friday for Memorial Day weekend.  We’re really excited to get A to the Magic Kingdom.  Anyone reading who has been with a 1 year old *yes I know its too young to remember but it’s a company trip* and has any suggestions for things to do/see for someone so little – leave me comments!!!

In other good news, our little A has entered her terrible 1s.  She is throwing kicking and screaming on the floor fits, fake crying to get her way & testing her mommy’s patience daily!  As the other LK said…she’s so cute as a defense mechanism.  He’s so right!

Funny internet searches…

I just was hanging around my Dashboard today & happened to notice that people found my blog by searching for certain “terms”.  Today’s search was “Bedroom with edgecomb grey walls” which is nice.  Someone found my walls 🙂  Then I saw yesterdays.  “Pregnant young girls” – hmmmm.  Is it sad that I got a little excited when I thought that someone google’d “young girl” and found ME?!?!  Turning 31 will do things to a girl!

the LK family on my 31st birthday!

Keep it coming people looking for young girls!

2 years…

2 years ago today, I woke up with Aunt D & T in a giant suite at the Ritz Downtown NYC.  Auntie S2 took charge of that day & made sure everyone was where they were supposed to be at all times.  My day was perfect.  It was the day that all my dreams started coming true.

Happy Anniversary to my other half.  Thanks for making this life so amazing for me!  You’re a terrific husband, my best friend and a fantastic Daddy!  I’m a very lucky girl!

Vacation OVER :(

We’re back from our trip to the Florida Keys with the G Family.  We had the BEST time.  I am so sad and lonely being home alone with A.  It was way more fun in FL with our friends!

We’re so lucky to have such great friends to share vacation with!  If only we were lucky enough to have them live in NY!

Miss you guys 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Today I am spending my Mother’s Day traveling.  Our flight leaves at 8am, and I am a ridiculous, nervous, neurotic traveler.  At least until we get to the gate…then I’m fine!  This isn’t going to be one of those relaxing, breakfast in bed days, but we’re going to see Auntie S, Uncle P, and our NC friends AG, RG, & M!  Its going to be a great day 🙂

And tomorrow…the boys can make the Mommies breakfast in bed.  And take care of the kids.  And we’ll relax.  kthx.

One sad thing is that I won’t be with my Mom on Mother’s Day.  A & I are going to miss spending the day with her, but we’re going to celebrate when we come home!

I’d like to tell my Mom a few things…


Thanks for being a great Mom and best friend.  You’re an amazing Gramma & A loves you so much.  I know that very soon, I’ll be saying some of the things you always said to us…like…”just wait until you have kids…you’ll see!”  You were right.  This Sh*T is HARD!  You were lucky I was such a good kid!  Life with kids is complicated…and now that I have a kid, and she’s only 1, I get it!  I’m a little scared of the next 18 years!  Thanks for always being there to answer all the crazy calls, and listen when I need to vent.  Thanks for being a great Gramma to A, she’s so lucky.  Thanks for being a wonderful Mom!

We love you very much and can’t wait to celebrate next week!


To all the other Mommies out there…Enjoy your day!  A special I love you to our Aunts who are amazing women & great mothers!

To my Mommy friends, we have great kids, let the husbands take care of them today & you take it easy!  Thanks to you guys for helping me get through A’s 1st year!

From the bottom of my heart, Have a happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!  I hope its fantastic!!!

PS – AG, wine by the pool while the kids sleep and the boys stay home tonight?!

Turning 31…

Every year of my life until he left it, my Poppy asked me “SO….how does it feel to be “#”?”  He was almost always the first to call me on my birthday and this made me think about how it felt to get older every year.  Every year I answered “The same as yesterday”.  Its still pretty much true except for 1 change.  I didn’t do a countdown this year.  Not because I am afraid of being 31, but because my baby girl is so nutty and funny that she distracted me!  DISTRACTED FROM MY OWN BIRTHDAY????  If you know me, you know how unlikely that is, but its true!  I put so much energy into her birthday that I didn’t truly realize how close our special days are!!  Last year I was not sure how I was going to get around comfortably since I had just had a C-section.  This year I am not sure how I am going to get a chance to stop running around chasing A for a minute!!!  I’ve listed many times in this blog how I love all the amazing people in my life.  I am a lucky girl.  I can’t wait to see what 31 brings me.

I want to wish a very happy birthday to my twin cousin.  SM, you’re a great twin…even though for years you reminded me how you were older and more mature than I was.  Guess what old man…boy does it feel great to be younger than someone today!  I wish you all the happiness today and every day.  May all your wishes come true and may 31 be your best year yet!

I am looking forward to a day with the family & then cake with some good friends 🙂

I can’t wait until Cousin S calls me to sing Happy Birfday to youuuuuuuuuu … to me!

I also can’t wait for this face to wake up and smile at me.

That is the best present ever.  (Hey other LK…if you read this, that was figurative…I love diamonds too.  Or an Ipad.  Or my desk redone…but use the other ideas for Mother’s Day and the anniversary k!)