Happy 3rd Birthday to Miss A!

Ok…this never posted as I intended it to – so it is a little late, but it was written the morning of her birthday! Mommyfail.

Dear Miss A,

Today you are 3 years old.  We think we gave you a pretty darn amazing present when we brought home Baby D, you seem to think he’s pretty sweet too!  We hope you feel extremely special today.  Your Daddy and I are incredibly proud of you.  You are a smart, beautiful, wonderful little girl.  We can’t wait to see what this 4th year of life brings to us.  I am sure the new challenges on the horizon will keep us on our toes like you always do!

You are the love of my life and I adore you.

I hope that all of your birthday wishes and dreams come true my little lady.  You deserve the best this life has to offer.

Happy Birthday to my favorite girl with a thousand emotions…


Trauma & Tradition…

This whole being Jewish thing sure has its ups and downs.  Although, aside from the need to starve for 1 day a year which isn’t exactly as tough as it may seem, I’ve never really experienced the down until now.  My baby had a bris.  His Mommy didn’t like it.

Here’s the deal Baby D…you will not remember this trauma, but I will.  You will probably just take for granted that this is your body and not think about how it came to be until you, gd willing, have a son one day, but if you ever want to thank me for putting you through torture, I’ll say you’re welcome.

I took the day off from taking the photos and I left it up to someone else, but I got a few before shots so here you are little man…before your initiation into the Jewish boys club…

D on the bed before the bris


Auntie S & D

Poor kid … didn’t have a clue what was comin’…. I love you little boy….I promise not to put you through that type of torture ever again.



Coming Home-ish…

We have been home for a few days…and by home, I don’t mean back in our house, I mean we took this new little man out of the hospital to get him settled in with our new little family!  Miss A came with Mister LK to pick us up and she was a great big sister helper!  We had a nice quiet morning, got all checked out, took a ride on a wheelchair & into the car!  We came home and were greeted by Grandma, Auntie S, Cousin H, Auntie H, Cousins S & A, our fantastic Nurse C, and as always, our fur siblings T & M.

It was a full house to say the least!

D morning sleep in Mommy's bed

Hiding his face

A & D on bed

Getting D Dressed 1

D sleeping in take me home outfit

A sweet smile

D in his outfit

A with silly mouth face

A silly face

A kissing D

A & D smiling

A & D in the carBeing home has been wonderful!  Miss A is adjusting & we’re getting more and more settled every day!  Next goal is to get home, home.  Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes 🙂

B is for Boy…

We have a boy!  I never imagined I would ever have a boy…except for T…but I do!  And he pees a lot, just like T 🙂

Up until now, T was the cutest boy around, but Baby D is giving him a run for his money!


We had a lot of fun in the hospital, which I know sounds silly, but it is true!  We had visitors and Miss A got lots of presents from Baby D, and she gave dance lessons to all the nurses!  Now…I’m sure that anyone who was outside in the 70+ weather enjoyed their days as much as I did, but they didn’t get to spend their whole day with my children….so…..I win!  Tantrums and all 🙂

A giving PD a checkup

DD laughing

Dr A

H & E

H & HCan we just discuss what a happy and chilled out baby my nephew is.  I hope for my sister’s sake that he keeps this disposition (which he inherited from his Auntie LK)…and I hope for myself that Baby D is as happy and content as this little one!  His smile and laugh are really the best!

H & D

Grandma & D

Auntie S, H, Grandma & D

Miss A, Cousin S, Auntie H & Baby D

Cousin S & D

Miss A silly face

Cousin's hanging out in bed

Mommy and her babiesWe’re settling in now that we’re home.  Adjusting to life with 2.  Miss A is getting more and more used to this arrangement every day.  Hoping to get some more photos up tomorrow!

So…What Did YOU Do Yesterday?!

Because I had a baby boy!  

Yup…a big baby boy!  8lbs 12oz.  Baby D.  Somehow, even though he was huge, he still feels so tiny!  

What a different experience this was than last time!  They ran about an hour and a half late for our scheduled C, but once I went in, it was a lot more terrifying than last time!  Last time there was pain I was avoiding…this time I just had to sit there and wait for the pain (read: spinal) to begin!  I had an amazing anesthesiologist and as always Dr. Wong (I’m using his name because ladies in NYC, you should use him…he is better than anything you can dream of).  He held my head and shoulders while they were doing the spinal, and I was at ease…which is sort of an oxymoron.

Once the procedure started, I was very very short of breath.  I was feeling stuck (because I was!) and like I couldn’t breathe.  The second the baby was out, my lungs filled up with glorious air & I felt so much better!  Plus there was a little boy for us to love!  And he is a-freaking-dorable!  Then they sent the baby and Mister LK to the nursery….and I got to check emails and texts while they were finishing up.  The Dr.s recommended keeping my mind off all the pressure and pulling!  I’m also hoping they were distracting me from that tummy tuck I hope they gave me!!!!  In reality, every resident who has come in to check me out has raved about Dr. Wong and his plastic surgery skills.  Lets hope this scar is as teeny as the last one!  Not that I’m getting into a bikini…well…ever!!!

The hardest thing about recovery so far has been the itching.  I feel like a person coming off crack or something.  My face (which started itching during the procedure, and I have to thank Mister LK profusely for scratching it for me!), my legs, my back….its terrible.  On top of that they made me wear these circulation stimulators, and the material and my skin didn’t like each other.  I was up all night except for a whole 2 hours total.  As soon as I fell asleep they came in to wake me.  Obviously!

In just a few minutes (i hope) the nurse is going to come in and I’m going to be able to get up and walk around!  I’m really excited about this.  Once I can move from bed, Baby D will come hang out with his Mommy and we’re gonna snuggle!  I’m in love with this boy and I can’t wait to have him all to myself this morning!!!


D Day…

So today is D Day….or Delivery Day….or holy crap we’re having another baby day!  

Baby K 2.0, we’re very excited to meet you.  So excited you might notice that it is 4:20am and I’ve been up for a good 20 minutes already with no success at falling back to sleep.  The alarm is set for 5:50am, but I’m just too anxious!

From the beginning of this pregnancy, you and I have been different that Miss A and I.  For most of that I thank you!  The fact that I can breathe this time around is a huge help!  The fact that I was sicker wasn’t a help, but hey…you win some, you lose some 😉

Daddy thinks I’m carrying you differently, Grandma thinks my face didn’t change, and I think…well…I have no idea what to think except that I’m really glad we get to meet you today.  I’m also pretty thankful that you started sleeping in the night and aren’t kicking me awake as much as you were a week or 2 ago!  

There are so many people that want to know what/who you are, but most of all I can’t wait until you meet your big sister.  She’s had a rough night with all the things big sisters have racing through her mind.  (She might have inherited a little bit of Mommy’s pre-big event anxiety?!)  She’s really excited to meet you too though…she told me she’s going to be very gentle and help me take care of you.  

This world is crazy and amazing and I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and smell your new baby smell, and for you to be the perfect addition to our new and improved family!  

We’ll see you soon baby!  





1 Day…

To my beautiful Miss A,

Tomorrow you will begin a new adventure in life.  An adventure that I have been on for the last 32 years.  It will have its ups and its downs like everything else you will do.  But it is amazing.  I promise.

Up until now, your only responsibility in life has been to listen to Mommy and Daddy, be a good person & have fun.  You are about to get a new job.  Big Sister.  You are a very lucky girl because you have many big sisters in your life that you can go to and ask all the questions you have.  We know that this job sometimes feels like the most important job in the world…and sometimes it is…but the old stuff, the having fun, laughing, playing, snuggling, you know…all the good stuff…that is still #1.  Your new brother or sister is going to watch you all the time.  I know you want a sister, and you know this might be a brother, but since this is me telling you everything I want for you, we’ll call this baby “she” for now!  She is going to look up to you to learn new things…and I want her to learn that life is amazing.  I hope she learns to be as independent, spunky, and sure of herself as you are.

I hope you always know that you were Mommy’s first baby girl love & that will never change.  It might feel as though I am paying more attention to this baby than to you.  That might make you sad or angry.  That is ok.  You know that you can always tell us how you are feeling.  Daddy and I have done our best to explain what will happen around our house in the next few months, but nothing we can say to you will truly prepare you for this change.  We will need to pay attention to the baby, and like we’ve said, this is because they are a baby and can’t use their big girl words like you can.  We are going to show you all the ways you can help us and we are going to give you your own special time alone with us too!  We promise that this baby loves you so much and wants you to feel as special as you are.

You have made me the proudest Mommy in the world throughout these last 3 years.  You are so smart, funny, sweet, and exceptionally strong.  Everything you decide to do gets done with such intensity.  You know what you want and you go for it.  You are not afraid to tell people how you feel.  I truly hope you are able to teach that to this new baby.  One of your favorite things to do is to put me to the test.  Boundaries, limits, expectations, and more than anything…patience, is pushed to the limits daily.  This is exactly what you are supposed to be doing sweet girl.  I might be frustrated, but you inspire me to be the best Mommy I can be and I am forever thankful that you are my daughter.  My perfect, precious, precocious daughter.

I am so excited to welcome you to the big sister club tomorrow.  You are going to have a really special sleepover with Grandma tonight.  You get to sleep in her bed and do all the fun things  you do with Grandma while Mommy goes to see her Doctor.   I am going to miss you when you are not with me.  I am going to be thinking of you every single second.  You are the most important person in the world.  When you get to the hospital, Mommy is going to have to have some surgery and then the baby will be here.  They are going to be the luckiest baby in the world.  This family is the luckiest family in the world.  All because of you.  Our Princess A.

All my love.  Forever and ever.


Mommy & A


Our House 4.5.13

What I saw today!  Image

Yup!  That is some trim, and a whole lotta kitchen cabinets!  There were some bedroom cabinets too…and more trim…

I won’t get to see the doors installed in person until way after they’re done, so I am hoping that all works out, but I’m pretty excited to have cabinets 🙂  Now I have a place to put our newly acquired replacement kitchen items!!!!

I was just informed that there will be a lot going on at the house while I’m having this baby…so I shouldn’t worry about progress.  I’ll be having some drop-ins to take pics so I really can see what is going on!  I’m excited to see all this stuff coming together 🙂

Cabinets Make Me Happy!

Obviously the house will come together while I’m not able to see it.  It is just someone playing a joke on me…much like the rest of this scenario!  Little does the jokester know…not too much will keep me away from this house.  Well….except the new baby.  They’ll keep me away for a little bit!  Hoping anyone who stops by will take lots of pictures to send me & that I’ll be out there as soon as possible to check on the progress!

For now…I got to see the beginning of my kitchen & I’m getting really excited 🙂



Tiles, floor finishing, painting, electric finish & some misc stuff left & we’ll be home!!!!!