Locks of Boredom…

A little bit like Locks of Love, except there’s no minimum hair length before the chopping, oh…and there’s also no licensed hairdresser doing the cutting….oh wait….you don’t just cut your hair off??????

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Look at that gorgeous hair.  The hair we’ve been waiting to grow for 4+ years now.  Anyone care to guess how it looks right now??????

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What is a mother to do????

I’ll tell you what I did…Miss A, are you listening…please remember this when you have a daughter who cuts her own hair.  It is most certainly one of my better parenting moments…no sarcasm.  You don’t believe me do you?

Backstory.  The kids both have Staph infections.  They also have mild cases of coxackie.  And Miss A has a ruptured ear drum.  We’ve been home recuperating all week.  Fun times here….fun times.

So…I went to do some mundane, unnecessary task, you know, like getting Baby D out of his crib and changing his diaper.  Apparently, the 2 hours I’d spent with Miss A having 1 on 1 time for breakfast, doing some arts and crafts, coloring in her new sketchbook and chatting was not enough to keep her wild mind and spirit for adventure satisfied for the 6 minutes this silly task took.

We fed baby D, we got him dressed and as we were walking towards the door to leave and head to the grocery store…out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked like tufts of hair from a hairbrush on Miss A’s floor…..and then I noticed the unmistakable orange handle.  That  handle plus the blunt cut lines on the hair…I knew.  Now, when I looked at her I couldn’t really tell where she cut the hair from…then I got a little closer.  I quietly asked “Miss A…did you cut your hair?”  She started to cry.  Sob actually.  Uncontrollably.  Now…if someone took a scissor to my hair and did that to me, I’d cry that way too.  Thing is, SHE DID IT TO HERSELF!  Why the crying?????  I didn’t even yell!!!

I explained to her that it was her hair, and if she’d like it to be long like she says she does, cutting it will not speed up that result.  Sweetheart!

Inside I’m dying.  If she’s wearing a headband or a bow, it’s not SO noticeable…but in any other circumstance, she has side bangs.  No…not the pretty kind that are layered…more the mullet kind that can’t be fixed unless I chop her hair into a bowl cut.

Miss A…come on.  Can’t I get a break?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh I did.  Thanks for not cutting your brother’s hair.  Silver lining.

Patting myself on the back for not freaking the F out.  You’re welcome Miss.

Summer Lovin’

I’m here, I’m here…not often, but I am.  This little thing called WORK has been taking over my personal life & I LOVE IT!  If you haven’t checked it out already, come on over and follow my LKSquared Photo business blog too, since that is hopefully where I’ll be spending most of my time!  I can’t give up the personal blog … I’m sentimental like that, so I’ll be back here occasionally to keep my kid’s lives on record!

I’ve really been enjoying this summer!  It’s been much different than last summer, with us being all settled in at the house, with a lot less wedding events for our loved ones, 2 little ones running around instead of one running and one sleeping all day….you know….small things!

We joined the pool, so most days Baby D and I hang out there during the day.  It means a messy house stays messy, but isn’t that what summer is all about???  (Sorry Mister LK…the vote is with me…messy house = fabulous summer, unless I say it has to be cleaned up…then we better get on it!!!)

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Miss A has been at camp for 2 weeks now and she is loving it!!!  She has a great time with all her friends and this camp lovin’ Mommy is J-E-A-L-O-U-S of her days playing!!!!

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The last thing we’ll talk about today is our annual Summer BBQ!  We’ve been doing a 4th of July (weekend) BBQ for 4 years now, and every year we have such a great time with our friends & family!  This year we had all the regulars plus Mister LKs childhood friend who happens to live 2 towns away!  We had a great time with them & hope they come back again soon!!!  We also had 2 visiting pups who got lots of love and attention & are always welcome back!

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So that is a little bit of what we’ve been up to lately!  I’ll be back with more updates this summer as we do lots more fun things!!!



Welcome 2014…With Love & Light

Happy New Year from the LKSquared house to yours!


We brought in the new year with some of our friends and family here at our house!  We ate, drank, and got covered in sparkles!  The kids played together and the adults had fun too!  There was a tuxedo, a gown, some sweatpants, leggings and jeans.


NY8There was an adorable dog visitor & many pretend “broken legs” healed.



So what if the kids stayed up until 11:56pm before passing out?!  (They couldn’t make it to 12am????? Lame…)  But they sure were cute!



NY12It was great to have our friends here…and especially wonderful to celebrate with these 2 sweethearts before their 2 bitty babies make their debut!!!!  We are thinking of you guys!!!!  We can’t wait to meet the babies….but we will! (PS – have we ever seen a more gorgeous pregnant girl?  There are TWINS in there!  She’s magnificent & I’m jealous.  I was hideous…anyway…)




In the spirit of the new year, I’m putting some of my goals out there!  not resolutions…those never last.  But I’d like to set some goals….so here they are!

BAD HABIT I’M GOING TO BREAK:  Emotionally eating … for my friends!!!!

A NEW SKILL I’D LIKE TO LEARN:  So…I really want to learn to knit, but I think that might not be this year’s skill.  This year I’d like to learn how to be a better self-promoter & be able to grow my photography business!  In search of a lifestyle, portrait, baby, bday party, photographer???? Check me out at http://www.lksquaredphoto.com!!! (always learning!)

A PERSON I HOPE TO BE MORE LIKE:  My cousin S.  After the way that his friends and family spoke about him at his wedding (see here), I hope to be a little more like him everyday.

A GOOD DEED I’M GOING TO DO:  I would like to a little more for someone effected by a natural disaster.  A little pay it forward something…

A PLACE I’D LIKE TO VISIT:  I would love to visit Texas this year.

A BOOK I’D LIKE TO READ:  “The First Phonecall From Heaven” by Mitch Albom.  I have enjoyed his other books and think I’ll enjoy this one too…if I can find the time!

A LETTER I’M GOING TO WRITE:  I will write a letter to Miss A & Baby D this month with some thoughts I have about them! (Good ones…I promise)

A NEW FOOD I’D LIKE TO TRY:  I would like to try Indian food.

I’M GOING TO DO BETTER AT:  Keeping calm.  Finding my balance and maintaining my patience.  I have a tendency to react quickly…especially with Miss A.  I am going to work very hard at this.  Modeling behavior for her, that I like, will hopefully help her to find a way to imitate me and make us both happy!

Wishing everyone who stops by to check out my little family and even those who don’t, a very happy 2014!!!



One Year Later…

One year ago, I looked out my window and saw the water reach halfway up the driveway.  It wasn’t even high tide yet.  I was pregnant and running around our house at this very moment packing bags for each of us with clothes for the next 2-3 days.  Shoving the cat in the dog’s bag and imagining what I thought was most valuable to throw in the car with us “just in case”.  We put our important papers by the front door to grab as we left…then left them there by accident.  We put the box of pictures on the bookshelf, and my babies in the car.  We headed to Grandma’s house and tried not to worry.  I spent the next 12 hours waiting for the 7pm high tide and watching Facebook comments to see if anyone who lived in my bayside neighborhood had anything to report.  Then he commented.  My neighbor from his 2nd floor.  It’s Bad.

I cried.  And panicked.  Where would I bring my family home to?  How long would I be staying with my mom?  Where would this baby be born?  How was I going to tell Miss A that she had no home?  I had a zillion unanswered questions.  2 days from now will mark the day I came home to the nightmare.  And the day my prayers were answered.

We were fine.  We are fine.  Miss A is the strongest little girl in the world.  She waited patiently as her “dirty house” was cleaned up.  Mister LK and I made it through construction and now we have a beautiful house.  My dream house.  My dream family.  My dream life.

Some days I can’t believe we did it…while at the same time knowing all along we would.  I have the best husband.  Without him I would have crumbled.  There was so much to deal with and he did it like he always does.  Without complaining. (to me at least).  He’s my rock and my best friend.

More than anything today I am feeling so lucky that I have him.  I am remembering all of our love letters that were washed away from high school and knowing that I am the luckiest girl in the world to not need them because I have the real thing, right here, in our home…wherever that is.

There is another family that I would like to thank for getting me through this past year.  They are my gift from gd.  To M&K.  Our friends who let us live in their house.  I have never been more thankful for a gift in my life.  I will spend the rest of my life trying to repay you in any way I can.  I truly felt helpless without a place for my family to live and you saved us.

We are stronger than the storm…even if we’re not from NJ!


Apples, Friends & First Loves…

In the past, we have been loyal Hamptons apple pickers.  We’ve thrown elbows to get that unbruised apple on the midget tree while dodging bees and slipping on rotten apples.  For the past 3 years we’ve done that.  This year…we changed it up!  We headed north….and we had a wonderful day!  We went with our friends…picked apples…picked pumpkins….had a picnic & took lots of pictures!  Baby D also got his first cheap feel from his first love.  What can I say?  He’s a stud.

This is what it looks like when the cutest best friends go apple picking on a beautiful day.

AP13When you’re 3 1/2, matching is cool in public!

These girls don’t go anywhere alone anymore…they’ve got siblings!




The north has taller trees than the Hamptons.  That means that Daddy has to help out with the picking part.  It also means delicious apples and no fights at the top!



Not all of the apples were out of reach!





AP5There was a little pumpkin patch too…even though I’ll be showing you all our very own patch we inherited from the b*tch Sandy.




Winner for coolest baby girl…I mean really…look at that hair!!!!  Jealous LK here.



Is there anything better than 3 1/2 year old best friends?????





AP23I really love these girls!






I had dreams of the perfect family photo taken in this beautiful setting….like these guys….

AP15What we got was a thousand times better…because it is SO us!

AP16Oh my little Miss A!!!!  I love you … like a lunatic addicted to drama!!!!!

AP17Our Baby D is a little in love with PD…and the highlight of his day was during our picnic when he was able to get a cheap feel!

AP1That’s my little man!

This was a really fun day!  Great friends & 7000 apples!









Love Was In the Air…

This past weekend was our marathon wedding weekend.  Miss A has been looking forward to my cousin’s wedding for months.  She told everyone she met all summer that SHE was marrying my cousin.  When I would tell her that she was in fact NOT marrying him, and that he was marrying his beautiful fiance instead, she cried.  And cried.  And wondered “who will marry me????”  Aren’t we a little too young to be worrying about this type of thing Miss A?!?!?!?!?!

Then…because my cousin and his fiance are THE nicest and most thoughtful people in the world, they asked if she would be a flower girl.  Her life was made.  She could wear “wedding clothes” and throw flowers and we read books about being a flower girl and this was her event of the year!  We heard “can we go to the wedding now?” a billion times during the almost 4 hour car ride up to the Catskills!

This was just part of her excitement at seeing the groom….there was also a running leap into his arms which I captured but it was very fuzzy!!!

SM2The bride got her very own running start hug too!


There was lots of fun to be had before the wedding even started!!!

We started off the day hanging out and playing games with our cousins…










SM21Then we moved it over to the field for some games …










SM46We also took a little nature walk down to the creek!












And to a pond…SM25



This couple is really special.  They make everyone around them want to be a better person.  I was honored to be asked to give them a little marriage advice during their ceremony!  There were many speeches before my little moment, and all of their friends and family are incredibly eloquent…they even did a choreographed dance routine…so the pressure was on, since speaking in front of a crowd is not my strongest skill, but they seem to think I’m funny and that I might have some knowledge on marriage 🙂  I hope Mister LK agrees!




I gave them my best advice I could think of, but I really think that these 2 have everything they need for a lifetime of happiness!  Each other.

SM55I hope that one day I am able to give their future children the happiness that they gave to mine!  I’m not sure how I’ll do it, but I’m certainly going to try!!!  They will really never know how much she talks about them and their wedding and how happy she was that she was a flower girl!!!!











SM59My wish is that my kids turn out half as good as this beautiful woman’s….

SM58My Aunt R is the most patient and loving woman.  She is an amazing mother and I hope I can channel some of her calm and get my kids to be as good as hers are as grown ups!

Thanks for including us in this special day!  It was great to be there to see you both so happy.  I hope I can be there for the rest of the celebrations … you know … since we’ve already done the “born” thing together!!!!







Family Beach Evening…

We unexpectedly had to cancel our plans to head to CT for our friend’s bachelor party this weekend, and while we did miss all the fun with our friends, we did get to have a wonderful LK family night here in Long Beach.  We had dinner at the “Shoregasboard” followed by a fun golden hour photo shoot on the beach!  It was Baby D’s first beach experience!

This is what he thought of the sand…



He was a little unsure at first….but we didn’t really stick him in the sand too much!  He had lots of layers underneath him!  Once he got used to the tiny bit of sand he had between his adorable toes…he started to really have some fun!

Daddy & D2

Daddy & D

D6But if we’re talking about fun…I’m pretty sure Miss A takes the cake on fun!




A & Daddy Air4

A & Daddy Air3

A & Daddy Air2

A & Daddy Air1


A & Daddy Air5




A15She was loving the beach…as long as we didn’t make her go in the ocean!

I was also able to get these 2 kids together!  They are really stinkin’ adorable!  If you’ve never snuggled with them….well I’m just sorry for you because they are just the yummiest babies ever!  Even when Miss A is being difficult…she’s just smushy.  I love them both more than I could even describe.







So even though our weekend took an unexpected turn….we still made the best of it & had a wonderful time!  Sorry we missed the party boys…we do love you tons!



Easy Peasy…NJ Summer 2013

Sometimes…the light is perfect, the subjects are perfect, and everyone is having fun!  Luckily for me, many of those times happen when these gorgeous kids are around me.  They making this photography thing easy, peasy…

S modeling




A & S



This weekend, Mister LK was left alone with both my kids!  He got rave reviews from everyone I had spying on him (not concerned about their welfare…just their wardrobe!)

When I met up with them at Grandpa’s house, everyone was happy and full of energy.  Even though Miss A slept in the same room as Cousins S & A…which likely meant, not too much sleep for my girl, it wasn’t until late in the day that we lost our smiles!,  And as usual for my little man, Baby D was smiley & cuddly!  Cousin S is a ham in front of the camera…and I even got to get a few shots of the “missing link”…(that is Cousin J who rarely sees natural daylight!)

H, S, H, J, G


S silly face


I throwing J

A, G, H, J


Js rolls2

S & Grandpa

Js rolls

J & H

Grandpa & S

Gma & S


A A & GmaThis is who I get to make out with every day…don’t be jealous (you won’t be able to help it!)








D4Love these kids!  Even if NJ is a lifetime drive away….I’m looking forward to them coming home soon!


Cousin H turns 1!

Wishing our nephew and cousin H the very happiest 1st birthday.  It is amazing how fast this year flew by.  You are a sweet, sweet boy and my absolute proof that sweet can come from sour…that there’s a little bit of good in each and every one of us, and most of all, that it is so nice to be the parent of a kid like me!  (and you)!

I love you so much little man.

A kissing HA


h 1


Father of The Year…

Before the day ends…I’d like to wish my amazing husband and father of my kids, Mister LK, the happiest of father’s days.  If anyone deserves a day to celebrate you for all that you do as Daddy around here…you are the man.

On another note…don’t all father’s who have wives have father’s day, every day?

I do a lot around here….BUT….Mister LK does more for this family than I ever imagined a person could do.  I truly don’t know how he does it.  (Don’t let this go to your head honey – we didn’t make 42″ wide doors!!!)

This family is so lucky to have him.  We try to tell him as much as possible, but we’re usually so caught up in the day to day that we certainly don’t say it enough.  We love you Daddy and thank you for everything that you do to make sure this family stays happy, healthy, sane, and silly!





C5068151-F87E-4848-9F72-5B321DAC78A4There is nothing that you wouldn’t do for us and we know it.  I feel so lucky that my daughter gets to grow up with a Daddy like you, and I’m certain that my son is going to turn out perfect, just like his Daddy.  We love you more than any holiday could express.  We hope we make you as happy as you make us.

Now…Can you walk the dog, feed the cat, and take out the trash 😉  jk…you already took out the trash!
