Embrace the Camera Thursday 7.28.11

I heard the greatest quote from someone ever yesterday.  It made me laugh for hours.  “You can’t pick your friends!”  Uhhhhh lady…..if you don’t pick your friends, who do you pick???

Your FAMILY!?!?!

Auntie E came to the beach with us the weekend before last and we had so much fun!

It is photos like this that keep me smiling on days like today when I’m just plain old in a bad mood!  Do you ever have days where you just don’t like anyone?!  Where you just want to go on a vacation from the people you know and love?  I try to stay positive all the time, but today I just can’t seem to do it.

This SAHM thing is really hard.  I used to work for my dad, and as I sit here & think about it, Miss A just might be more demanding and thankless than my dad was as a boss!  I miss adult conversations.  I miss conversations that weren’t interrupted by things needing to be done for a child!  Its been 15 months of baby centric life and there are days that I love every second, like the last 3 weeks….and then there are days like today when I want to throw my hands up, throw my head under my covers & stay in bed all day!

Instead of dwelling on my bad mood, I’m going to appreciate this ETC day & use it to remember that my life is awesome.  My little girl is amazing and spirited and as funny as they come.  I’m going to remember that there are people out there going through WAY worse than SAHM boredom.

Please, everyone who checks out this blog today, read Daniel Bobis’s story & help in any way you can.  Its this story lately that has me feeling guilty for this bad mood.  So I’m gonna snap out of it, and go play with my daughter & hope that her future brings as much light to the world as Daniel’s does.  He must have some very proud parents.

Raising Awareness for a special guy…Daniel Bobis

If you haven’t heard about this story via the news or social media, let me make sure you hear about it here…

Here is the info from the Facebook page that was set up for the search & rescue:

Surfing early Sunday in Sumatra Indonesia, Daniel Bobis went missing. His leash broke and they found his board and he has not returned. His Wife, Friend, and Father along with Local and Globe Aid are searching for him.

A donation fund to aid in the search for Daniel Bobis has been created. Funds will be allocated to any resources that will support the search including helicopter rental, local manpower, travel expenses, etc. All donations will be given directly to the family. Time is of the essence. Thank you for your support in these crucial hours. To donate, log in to PayPal and send funds to dannybobisfund@gmail.com

I can’t stop thinking about his wife and the heartbreak she must be going through.  It must be unbearable.  I wish there was more I could do, but sadly, there isn’t.  There is something amazing about the community I live in though.  There has been an outpouring of support and love for this man who some of us never even knew too well.  Everyone is praying.

The rabbi who married us spoke at a vigil held on the boardwalk on Sunday night.  He said everyone should go out of their way to do an extra deed of goodness and kindness everyday, something caring, and that gd will look upon that as something incredible & help bring Daniel home.  “Something out of the ordinary brings about something out of the ordinary”  Daniel made a huge impact on the lives of so many young minds here and I think that I will take the Rabbi’s advice & do something out of the ordinary everyday to do my part to impact his life and the life of his family.

If everyone who reads this blog did something out of the ordinary today, maybe even donated to the PayPal fund, we could make an impact too…

If you have a blog of your own that you can get info about this story out on, our community here in Long Beach, NY would be ever appreciative.

If you are a Facebook member, please search for Daniel Bobis Info & like the page…

Happy Birthday Uncle C!

Dear Uncle C,

You are the best uncle ever!  If it weren’t for you, I’d be living in a moldy, gross, unsafe house.  Thanks to you, my room is painted & I can’t get into the kitchen cabinets to throw everything on the floor anymore!  Hmm….well maybe not thanks for that, but you really are the best!  You always play with me when you come over, and you got me the best birthday present ever!  Lately, I make Mommy put it on her head & I think it is hilarious!  I am so happy I got to stay up late and go out with everyone for your birthday.  I think I might make Mommy’s life hell today because I usually don’t stay up until 11pm, but she told me it is all worth it for you!  Dinner was so yummy & your dessert was delish!

I love you very much and I think you should come visit with your bike and take me with you!

I hope you have a very very happy birthday & I can’t wait to celebrate lots more birthdays with you.  Make some good wishes & I hope they all come true!


Baby A

A & Uncle C enjoying some birthday cheesecake!

Sneak peak for the gorgeous CJ!

When I found out the Auntie S2 was gonna have a baby, I started planning and planning and planning what I would do to her nursery!  Then I hoped that Auntie S2 & Uncle B would like it enough to let me make it happen.  This is proving a little difficult since I live so far away and have this loony 15 month old running around, BUT, even if it takes some time…this nursery is going to come to life!  I’m working on lots of little things here that are going to make it down there when A can rock CJ to sleep, and Mommy can get to decorating!  For now – here is my mood board …

The furniture turned out to be dark wood, which is perfect too, and the other things we’ve changed is to include birds & owls since her mommy likes that!  I sent them a sheet from this Etsy shop, CottageBelles, in this fabric that I think is going to be perfect!

some art that I have ready to go:

I unfortunately do not remember where I got this print from, so if you recognize it, comment & give the place some credit!

Auntie S2 knitted her little girl a blanket with tons of colors and it is beautiful!

I have a cool little project that I have in the works here….and I can only give a sneak peak b/c I want to surprise miss CJ and I think she reads our blog (yes – she’s THAT smart)

Next projects up are a paint chip art piece and that rug in the mood board – I want to make it.  CJ might be 12 by the time she has the rug, but I am committed to getting it made…BY ME!

Love you little miss CJ 🙂

Happy Birthday Grand Aunt G!!!

Dear GrandAunt G,

I am so lucky to have such a great person as my Aunt.  Even though we don’t see you all the time, every time I got to hang out with you I’ve had a blast!  Coming to your house to visit was one of the best vacations!  I especially liked when all those crazy adults were dancing like nut jobs in your living room!  Oh – and I had a fantastic time keeping Mommy & Daddy up all night there!  So Fun!  I hope they take me to see you again soon!  I also hope that you have the happiest birthday!  You deserve all your wishes to come true!  I hope your day is great and full of fabulous things!!!

Lots of Love,

Baby A

GrandAunt G & Mommy as a bride!

GrandAunt G eating my toes! I love that game!!!

Embrace the Camera Thursday 7.21.11

A turns 15 months today as we embrace the camera!

Mommy & A walking to dinner for Great Grandma’s Birthday!

It is completely mind blowing & crazy how much she has grown and changed since she turned 1.  She has really been making me laugh to the point of tears the past few weeks, which is a nice change from her making me just plain cry!  Mister LK and I were discussing what her list of words is, and it is astounding how many new words she has…some of which include:

  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • T (the dog)
  • M (the cat)
  • kitty cat
  • Doggie
  • Woof Woof
  • Fish
  • Minnie
  • Mickey
  • Elmo
  • Pooh
  • Brobee
  • Baby
  • Ball
  • Bubble
  • Balloon
  • Bobo
  • Thank you
  • Please
  • Agua
  • Bano
  • Teeth
  • Tushie
  • Shoe
  • Beach
  • Down
  • Up
  • No
  • Yes
  • Tickle Tickle
  • Cookie

She also says her BFF’s name….PD….and it’s the cutest thing when they see each other now – they hug and kiss without us telling them to!  There are some more words that I’m sure I’m forgetting but also she will repeat EVERYTHING!  She may have said “Oh SH*T” on her own the other day – Uncle C & I heard it, but we didn’t laugh to encourage her…it was hard.   Those are mostly the ones she uses on her own pretty constantly.  Cookie is huge here.  Everything is a cookie.

She can point to her belly, belly button, nose, ears, eyes, mouth & toes.  She will clean up!  This part is great!  If I tell her to clean up, she’ll pick up her toys and put them in the toy bins!  If I give her a paper towel, she cleans the floor with it!  This all makes Mommy very very happy!

I’m loving the summer so far!  We have a very busy next few weeks ahead & I think A is going to love all the stuff we are going to do!  Especially the part where she goes to Gramma’s house next weekend!!!

This motherhood thing is crazy hard, crazy sweet, crazy chaos, but most of all crazy amazingly good!  I love you A.

Move over Monet….Here comes Baby A!

Last week was a great week!  I don’t know if it is because A’s teeth are in, and no more are trying to poke through, or because I basically ditched all plans to do anything that I “needed” to do, and only did things she “wanted” to do…but I’m sticking with our routine of playing this summer!  It is more fun for her, and for me!

To me, summer meant camp.  My earliest memories of summer involve the beach with my Grandma, but since her Grandma lives too far away to take her to the beach every day…A’s first summer memories will include beach days with Mommy!  and next year – Camp!

I’m trying to create a “camp” at home for A.  My favorite part of camp was Arts and Crafts!  Here is what our first Art project looked like….

All set up!!!
A contemplating her work so far…
Painting in action
No limits….we use our whole bodies to paint!
Miss A had to check Mommy’s painting too….
She took a break to add some color to Auntie E’s license plate!
It is always good to see your work from different perspectives…
And….the Masterpiece!!!!! Genius!!!

This was a great success!!!!  The next time we tried this was with PD….and it became more of a body art session than anything else!  Still fun!!!

The Country Tour – Family Reunion

After a great day at Sesame Place, we woke up & got ready to go to my Aunt’s house!  As a kid, when we went to Aunt R’s house, we got the “country tour”.  They always lived in PA which to us New Yawkers was like another planet.  A planet where they all pronounced words like coffee, ball, and particularly, Camp DeBaun…very very strangely!  There were giant backyards, farms, vegetable gardens, and lots more fun things that were such a treat to go visit!  We really also loved going to hang with our cousins who we got to beat up since we were 3 girls and never had boys who could rough-house with us!

A few years ago my Aunt & Uncle moved from the house I loved visiting…and this year they got all the family over to the new place for some fun with the new generation of kiddos!  Their house is awesome!  They did such a great job of decorating and making it warm and cozy & very very pretty!  I didn’t take such great photos of the house….I should have…and will next time I’m there!  My favorite new additions since the last time we were there…Master Bedroom rugs, living room rug, and my top favorite – a chalk drawing on a wall that was totally awesome, done by my Aunt and I think it’s the coolest thing ever!  What a great idea!!!!

The kids had lots of fun playing with each other & the adults too!  During this party I learned that I am so much like my Grandma.  She apparently let her kids do anything without worrying too much….at least when they were babies-9years old….and on a movie reel….without sound haha!  I’m sure we would have heard some yelling in the background if there was sound…but if there was sound, it would have been drowned out with sobbing from my mom and aunt.  I’m sure of it!  okfine.  I would have been crying too.

We started off our day with a swim in the hotel pool while we waited to leave for the party…

Out for a morning swim!

"What is that funny noise?!"

"Daddy ... it's coming from your NOSE!!! I'll get it!!! "

Goin' under!

Now it's time to stretch!

Then it was time for the party!!!

kids (and biggest kid Mister LK) using the misting fan to blow lots of crazy bubbles!

A doing acrobatics with Daddy!

Time to eat - a whole bunch of grapes!

we found cousins in the toy box!

"Daddy.....what is THAT?!?!"


Posing with the hot air balloons! They got super close to us! Very cool.

I have this cousin IT.  We had this thing when I was a kid…he’d ask me if I loved him & I said no way.  He’d ask me if I liked him & I said no way.  He’d ask me if I tolerated him…and well…I did!  Apparently – A hasn’t learned to tolerate him yet –

The good news is that it didn’t take long for me to admit that I did love him!

Then A got over tired…..here are some examples!

just gonna lay down for a little bit...

a kiss for the floor?!?!

Thanks Grand Aunt R & Grand Uncle M 🙂 This was a great day!!!


Just sayin’  My niece is awesome & I’m so proud to welcome her home!  I wish we could be there to welcome you with lots of hugs and kisses, but that is going to have to wait!  For now – enjoy your home!  I know how excited your Mommy & Daddy are to welcome you home & show you around!

And now the real fun begins!!!!!

Sending lots of love and wishes for a great first night and zillions after that!  Sweet Dreams!!!