Cousin H turns 1!

Wishing our nephew and cousin H the very happiest 1st birthday.  It is amazing how fast this year flew by.  You are a sweet, sweet boy and my absolute proof that sweet can come from sour…that there’s a little bit of good in each and every one of us, and most of all, that it is so nice to be the parent of a kid like me!  (and you)!

I love you so much little man.

A kissing HA


h 1





She’s been home for about 10 hours and my house is already turned upside down, we went out to lunch, shopping at the container store, she’s been in 4 outfits, we’ve tie dyed her camp shirts, she’s had 3 meltdowns, a bath, 2 stories and is now in bed.  Whew!  We got through her first day back!

1 more to day to go and then she’s off to camp!

Her little brother was really really happy to see her.  Every time she speaks, he smiles.  Every time he speaks…she does this…


Oh, my Miss A.  My challenge.  My heart & my life.  I love you and am so happy that you’re home!

Baby D, Daddy & I missed you so so so much.

Father of The Year…

Before the day ends…I’d like to wish my amazing husband and father of my kids, Mister LK, the happiest of father’s days.  If anyone deserves a day to celebrate you for all that you do as Daddy around here…you are the man.

On another note…don’t all father’s who have wives have father’s day, every day?

I do a lot around here….BUT….Mister LK does more for this family than I ever imagined a person could do.  I truly don’t know how he does it.  (Don’t let this go to your head honey – we didn’t make 42″ wide doors!!!)

This family is so lucky to have him.  We try to tell him as much as possible, but we’re usually so caught up in the day to day that we certainly don’t say it enough.  We love you Daddy and thank you for everything that you do to make sure this family stays happy, healthy, sane, and silly!





C5068151-F87E-4848-9F72-5B321DAC78A4There is nothing that you wouldn’t do for us and we know it.  I feel so lucky that my daughter gets to grow up with a Daddy like you, and I’m certain that my son is going to turn out perfect, just like his Daddy.  We love you more than any holiday could express.  We hope we make you as happy as you make us.

Now…Can you walk the dog, feed the cat, and take out the trash 😉  jk…you already took out the trash!




Oh This Tushie…

Thank you Grandma for clearing up a question I have had for a while now.  Why people always tell you that “you’ll miss this”, when you are 100% certain that you will NOT.  This 3 year old business is no BS.  According to Grandma…the teenage years are worse.  I’m not exactly sure, but I’d imagine it has to do with their hormones and the time it takes for them to acclimate to their mood swings…horray.  can’t wait.  might go insane when that time comes.  thanks a lot.

A dancing

This kid can go from laughing and smiling, to hands on hips screaming “I AM ANGRY” faster than this guy…

Bugatti-Veyron_Super_Sport_Profile-480They say this Bugatti goes 0-60 in 2.4 seconds.  She’s got him beat by about 1.8 seconds.  I’ve really never seen anything like it.  It can make your head spin.

A looking sweet

It can also eliminate your patience quite quickly too.  That unfortunately can make you feel like a terrible Mom.  I am pretty sure I won the award for bad parent of the year yesterday, but truth be told, losing my sh*t seems to be the only thing that gets her attention these days.

Things I have tried:

Ignoring the tantrum:  I like to think of myself as a logical person.  Especially when I’m not PMSing.  I always believed that if you just ignore the behavior, they’d have no reason to keep doing it & they’d stop…eventually…right?  Nope.  Not here. Not this kid.  I think my ignoring her actually gives her a superpower to keep going and going and going without passing out.  Oh right, and when she does pass out….she just wakes up screaming some more.  Gives her a little energy boost.  For anyone who thinks that I’m exaggerating, please feel free to come on over and check it out for yourself.  The longest we’ve gone here screaming is 4 hours.  Can you imagine screaming about something for 4 hours????  Now try to imagine listening to someone scream for 4 hours!!!!  I’m guessing we can rule out ADD since she clearly has the attention to stay on one topic for extended periods of time!

Talking Calmly:  Makes her scream louder.  Like…”MOMMY….I SAID I WANT “X”, DID YOU NOT F*&KEN HEAR ME?????”  ok, she doesn’t curse.  But it feels like she is at the volume she’s using.

Consequences:  We just moved in.  We had so many toys that we told people please do not bring more toys into our house.  She now has 3 toys left in her closet.  When I tell her she’ll lose her: toys: “that’s a good idea Mommy…give them to strangers!”; Ipad use: “OK…I don’t want it”; TV/Movies “Yea…shut it off, I don’t want to watch”; even losing her skirts/dresses which was recently effective “Oh Mommy…these pants make such a cute outfit”; HER LIFE “I don’t care!” This is probably the most infuriating.

Rewards:  We have a pompom jar.  She loves it.  She loves getting the pompoms, putting them into the jar, getting the reward at the end.  Except when she doesn’t give a damn.  “I’ll get one later”.  Oh no you won’t…..

Losing it:  This is the only thing that gets her attention.  Makes me feel like a crappy Mommy, but sometimes you do what you have to.  I’m sure she’ll become immune to this soon as well…so I’m reserving this behavior for only the most seriously out of hand days.  My hope is that these last 3 weeks of us being home (stuck inside because of weather, workmen, or eventually punishment) are just too much for both of us to handle, and that her vacation (that starts MONDAY!) and camp (when she gets back from vacay) will alleviate much of our stress around here.  We need some separation!

Bright side….look at this tushie… cute is it without that stupid pull-up?

A's tushie

Even if she pees in those panties twice a day just to be able to tell me “Don’t get upset…it was just an accident!”

Good luck Grandma.

Note for the future:  Miss A…you will read this when you’re old enough & think I am an unreasonable Mom.  You’ll re-read this again when you are even older and have a toddler and you will laugh.  Hysterically.  Hopefully while on the phone with me, like I did with my mom.  I love you.  More than my own life.  Nothing will ever change that.  Go hug your kid.  Although s/he’s probably screaming right this second.

2 Months…2 Kids…No Time…

I’m back.  I know I know…I’ve slacked.  Completely.  For a month.  Can a girl get a break around here?!?!  Baby D is 2 months old now…well…truth he’s been 2 months for almost a week, but that’s how it is 2nd child!  I don’t love you less, I just have less time to write about it!

We had his 2 month check up and he’s a BIG boy!  Weighing in at 12.5lbs, measuring 24″ we’re at the 75th% for weight and 90th% for height!  Look at him….because he’ll melt your heart!



He’s got that shocked look on his face because it has been quite some time since he’s seen the good camera come out!  I capture everything on my iphone these days.  I simply don’t have free hands to carry the big one around!

So…about my 2 month old.

You know those kids who are really really good sleepers?  Yea…we have one of those!  He sleeps 12+ hours a night.  (knock on wood)  I wish I could enjoy his sleeping in till 10am.  Miss A makes sure that doesn’t happen!  At least I’m able to get up and get things done before he’s up….yay bright side.


You know those kids who love the car, and when they are fussy you can drive them around and they sleep peacefully which the engine is running?  We do NOT have one of those!  He thinks that car seat is the perfect place to dirty his diaper…and since he absolutely HATES a dirty diaper, he’ll then scream.  Bloody murder.  Until you pull over and change him in the trunk.

Oh well….you can’t have it all!

He’s eating 5oz every 3 hours, but I think that will change to 6oz within the next week.  He is strong and has no trouble lifting his head when he’s on his belly.  He is otherwise enjoying his life while swinging in his lamb swing, watching Miss A dance and sing & Mommy unpack & clean.  Ahh the life of a 2 month old!

The LK house is adjusting well to this boy & we can’t imagine life without him!

Baby D…we love you!!!!

D2 - close up1