Embrace the Camera Thursday 9.29.11

L’Shana Tova!  Happy New Year 🙂  I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and SWEET new year!

Speaking of sweet…my baby used to be sweet.  Then she got sick.  Now she’s a sourpuss.  all. the. time.  Her fever is gone (or was yesterday) and she has a rash covering her whole torso.  I thought this was roseola, but thanks to Grandma, now I don’t think that anymore!  She said the roseola rash is different…FABULOUS.  I love unidentified rashes on my baby that make her the exorcist…NOT.

Miss A got dressed for the holiday last night and we went over to Grandma’s house for Rosh Hashana dinner.  Special guests included Auntie E & Aunt D.  Before we left I tried to get some pretty pictures of my baby in her adorable outfit with a smile on her face.  FAIL.  Here’s how it went down…

Miss A hiding from the Momarazzi!

Oops! She caught you!

"Can I touch the light?????"


Miss A refusing to take a photo with her Mommy

She put herself in a time-out!

Finally!!!! I got her!!!!

Happy ETC everyone!